“The NQA’s Regional Committee is excited to announce the First Annual NQA DAY, being held Saturday October 6, 2012 at locations around the country. Events are already scheduled in Florida, New York, Illinois, Colorado, and California… The National Qigong Association is the premier membership organization for qigong. Be a part of the Qi Flow and the Qi Excitement that is moving through our country. The mission of the NQA is “Enhancing and nourishing the quality of life through Qigong for all… (www.nqa.org)”
Carefully review the list of events, organized by regions, and feel free to contact each person in charge for more information. Not only will you be able to practice with like minded individuals and learn new skills, you will also be able to encourage the development and growth of the Qigong community. This is a great opportunity to share the many benefits of Qigong with those whom are unfamiliar with this ancient science, which is rooted in Taoism and is one branch of the Tao of Revitalization.
Northeast Region
Qigong in the Park
“Mineral Springs”
Saturday October 6, 2012
Central Park West, W. 69th Street
New York City, NY 10019
“Qigong in the Park on October 6th 2012 celebrates the cultivation of energ-qi through movements, massage, laughter, dance, animal frolics, and stillness. No experience required. Teachers from New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania will present a varied program. This NQA DAY event is sponsored by the Eastern Regional Committee of the National Qigong Association (NQA). All ages are welcome. (www.nqa.org)”
CONTACT/HOST: Lamont Thomas, ldtlamont@sbcglobal.net, (203)843-1595
Southeast Region
“Qigong Equinox by NQA”
Saturday October 6, 2012
Brook Run Park
4770 North Peachtree Road
Dunwoody, GA 30338
12:00 – 4:00 PM
“Qigong Day” – Saturday October 6, 2012 – celebrate the energy of Qigong. Enjoy various forms of Qigong for healing or for martial arts, try out some Taichi and learn a few martial arts moves! No experience required. Several teachers will present so that you can “sample” many types of qigong. This NQA DAY event is sponsored by the Regional Committee of the National Qigong Association. All ages are welcome. (www.nqa.org)”
CONTACT/HOST: Christina or Peyton, The Rising Lotus Qigong, Christina@therisinglotus.com, www.TheRisingLotus.com, (404)721-2326
East Central Region
“National Qigong Day Celebration”
Saturday October 6, 2012
Kankakee Farmer’s Market
South Schuyler Ave. at Station Street
Kankakee, IL 60901
9:00 – 11:00 AM
Five Treasures Qigong to begin at 10:00
“Come join us to learn about the health benefits of practicing the “Energy Arts” of Qigong and Tai Chi. We will practice the “5 Treasures Qigong” routine, and have information and classes (including weekly sessions) in the area. FREE DVDs will be given away throughout the event. (www.nqa.org)”
CONTACT/HOST: Gary Paruszkiewicz, gfprelax1@gmail.com, (815)342-4803, www.relax1.net
West Central Region:
“2012 NQA DAY”Saturday October 6, 2012
Washington Park Recreation Center
701 South Franklin Street
Denver, CO 80209
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
“Denver, Colorado, by far last year’s largest National Qigong Association Day Celebration! A fun and refreshing day of qigong for all ages! Bring family and friends and enjoy a wide spectrum of qigong experiences:
- Meditative rejuvenation
- Power up intentions and focus
- Qigong Movement and Healing to enhance vitality and relaxation
- Heartfelt connections with new and experienced qigong practitioners
Valuable qigong information and drawings for gifts throughout the festivities. Free admission. Donations are graciously accepted. (www.nqa.org)”
CONTACTS/HOSTS: Eric Imbody, eimbody@earthlink.net, (720)917-9999,
Debra Lin Allen, DebraLin.ChiWellness@gmail.com, (720)427-0406
Sarah Horn, Sarah.WholeHealth@gmail.com, (720)530-8948
Saturday October 6, 2012
12409 W. Indian School Rd.
Avondale, AZ 85392
8:30 – 12:00 noon
“ Wellness Avondale would like to say thank you to the community by celebrating the 1st Annual NQA DAY Saturday October 6th. We will be offering free classes to the community for NQA DAY. Come celebrate with us!
- 8:30 AM — Sitting 3 Hearts, 9 Gates Qigong
- 9:00 AM — Standing 3 Hearts, 9 Gates Qigong
- 9:30 AM — 6 Healing Sounds Qigong
- 10:00 AM — Golden Chi Ball Qigong
- 10:30 AM — Tai Chi Foundations
- 11:00 AM — 24 Yang Style Tai Chi
- 11:30 AM — Wudang Tai Chi Sword/Fan (www.nqa.org)”
CONTACT/HOST: Kristen Burkhart, Kristen@zenwellness.com, (623)229-9139
West Coast Region:
2012 NQA DAY
Saturday October 6, 2012
Sebastopol Community Cultural Center’s
Garzot Building, Libby Park
7985 Valentine Ave and Pleasant Hill Ave
Sebastopol, CA 95472
10:00 – 11:30 AM
“Come join Shifu Michael Rinaldini and his students to celebrate the First Annual NQA DAY. This will be a special event for both new and old NQA members to practice qigong together, and support a Regional National Qigong Association Community. NQA members and non-members from throughout the Greater San Francisco Bay area are invited to attend. Puerh tea and snacks will be provided and a raffle of NQA Logo Bags made from recycled material will be offered. Information on the National Qigong Association will be available. (www.nqa.org)”
CONTACT/HOST: (707)829-1855, Lichangdao@gmail.com
Saturday October 6, 2012
Cloverdale City Park
Cloverdale, CA
9:30 – 11:30 AM
Potluck Picnic to Follow
“Everyone is invited to join us to celebrate this healing exercise that has been practiced for thousands of years. The simple range of motion movements of qigong will be done from a standing position. These are massaging exercises that massage every joint and every organ of the body. The movements will also increase flexibility and help with maintaining bone strength and improve balance. Qigong is a mind body exercise. The mind is brought into the loving service of the body and this intention gives qigong its unique and powerful healing ability. Many studies are currently available on the amazing healing qualities of qigong. Just Google it! (www.nqa.org)”
CONTACT/HOST: Janet Seaforth, seaforthjohnson@att.net, www.PYNKQigong.com
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Do you have a story, photo or video from your area that would be of interest to Taoists? Feel free to email (TJ@theQiInstitute.com) and they may be included or featured in a National Taoism Examiner article.
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