(Article) Attitude of Heaven: Taoist method of planning & attaining goals

Man has been interested in planning and creating things since the beginning of time, it is indeed one of the attributes that makes us human. The ability to plan and create is a God given gift, however, it is a gift that many never develop into a skill and even less develop into a Great Skill or Mastery.
At the beginning of each year people the world over contemplate what they would like to do in the upcoming year and try as quickly as possible to forget the prior year now passing. Others will come up with “New Year’s resolutions” similar to: losing weight, making more money, getting a job, being promoted, getting married, having a child, volunteering more etc… But how well does the method of thinking and dreaming actually work? How many of us actually achieve our New Years Resolutions? How many write them down? If you do write them down, then what?
In a moment you will discover a truly powerful method to plan & attain your goals. First consider a Taoist concept: “The right person, who does the right thing, in the right way, at the right place, with the right people, commands success (The Integral Management of Tao, p. 62)”.
The ancient Taoists (in particular the Yellow Emperor in the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of the Internal, over 5,000 years ago) observed that the entire Universe was an oscillation of two forces Yin and Yang . After much investigation they discovered that Yang (——-, solid line) consists of: life, goodness, justice, righteousness, light, peace, heat, wealth, happiness, heaven, growth, the sun, active, things on the surface etc… With Yin (— —, broken line) consisting of: death, evil, injustice, unrighteousness, darkness, war, cold, poverty, unhappiness, hell, decay, the moon, passive, that which is deep or hidden etc… Yin and Yang represents every conceivable pair of opposites (Dr. Stephen Chang, The Integral Management of Tao, p.48).
If we look at the three solid lines or Yang lines, from the Pakua (Taoist symbol), we see the symbol that represents Ultimate Yang or Heaven. These three Yang lines represent absolute progressiveness, constantly improving-growing-learning. A person that wants to be successful will constantly strive to mirror the ways of Heaven by constantly improving, growing & learning. The nature of life is to live, and what one lives for is called a goal.
Throughout Taoism’s history these three Yang lines have held the secret to success and with practice you will understand why. The lines represent: immediate goals, mid range goals and long term goals. The method is to contemplate and then write down what you want to accomplish in the next: 6 months, 2 years and 5 years. Make sure the goals are challenging, realistic and specific. If you want to lose weight in 6 months; how many lbs, inches, body fat % etc… Also make sure you have a WHY for each goal, what does losing weight mean to you, why lose it; is it so you will live long enough to enjoy your grand or great grand kids? If you want to make more money, WHY, why should your employer pay you more, why should your business make more money, widgets etc…?
After you have the lists, the next step is to review them daily and make revisions at least monthly. If you take the time to do this, then this will be the beginning of a new you and this will, regardless of what others are saying, be a prosperous & blessed year!
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(Article) Tao of revitalization: the way of self healing & longevity

External Exercise?
Like most people, you have probably heard somewhere, perhaps from your doctor, a magazine or TV show; that exercise is good for you. Perhaps, after hearing this you begin to research and think about exercising or you may be the type of person that decides one day to “Just do it” like the Nike commercials tell us.
Before you venture out there and just do it …or if you already did…there are a few questions that you probably have, if not then you should consider.
- why am I exercising
- what form is best
- what is the ultimate goal
- how will this exercise help me to reach that goal
- is there such a thing as the wrong exercise
- and in the long run will this help me to live longer, happier and be truly healthy
Now if you pick up an exercise book, magazine or go to a local gym, you will be directed towards the following: exercise machines, free weights, cardio machines, sports, calisthenics, aerobics, pilates, yoga, zumba, martial arts and a long list of other options. In short, you will have a long list of options that although they appear different actually offer the same end result and goal. That is, to have an attractive outer appearance/figure. All of these methods can also be classified under the same category of External Exercise since there emphasis is on the surface or outside of the body.
We are told that these external exercises will help to improve our health and will help our heart as well. On the contrary, external exercise actually puts increased stress and tension on the body and only further depletes our vital energy from an already depleted account (Dr. Stephen Chang, Complete System of Self Healing, Internal Exercise, and The Dao of Taijiquan by Jou, Tsung Hwa).
Not only is the exercise itself depleting but the end goal of larger muscles, increased heart rate; further strains our internal organs and systems which contributes to further weakening. When you age, and your muscles begin to break down and convert to fat this will further contribute to a weaker body. So to sum up external exercise: it is a fast approach to developing the body and external figure, which rapidly weakens and decreases the function of the internal vital organs and energy, ultimately increasing the aging process. Look at Arnold Schwarzenegger’s heart trouble as an example, or professional athletes being considered old in their 30’s. How is 35 old and how can we consider that form of exercise productive if it causes us to be “old” at such a young age? And if muscles are a prerequisite to strength and health then why is it so difficult for a grown adult to remove the hand of a newborn baby when it squeezes or holds onto their finger? The good news is that there is a way to balance out the side effects of external exercise!
Another Option does exist
There is a system of exercise that’s existed for over 6,000 years and was referred to and written about in both the Yellow Emperors Classic of Internal Medicine (approx. 5,000 years ago) and Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching (2,500 years ago). This method is called the Tao of Revitalization (Yǎng Shēng Shù) or Internal Exercise.
What is Internal Exercise?
Taoists discovered long ago that mankind must fulfill two basic physical needs in order to maintain, revitalize and prolong our lives.
1) Consumption (eating, drinking, etc…)
2) Motion
a) Mind movement (thinking)
b) Body movement (breathing and other functions of
internal organs and external limbs)
c) Sex
If either of the two basic needs are not properly met and sustained then life will cease. Internal exercise in almost every aspect is the opposite of external exercise. The emphasis is placed on healing, energizing and improving the function of the internal organs. The Internal organs are the key to youth, immunity against disease and true health (Dr. Stephen Chang, Complete System of Self Healing, Internal Exercise, p. 13).
Since external exercise depletes our energy through its fast and or strenuous movements; Internal exercise functions through slow, smooth, gentle, natural and precise movements that coordinate: physical movement, breathing, mental focus and spiritual awareness thus benefitting body, mind and spirit.
There are many forms or versions of Internal exercise, some more well known versions are Qigong (Chi Kung) and Dao Yin or Do-In as it is called in Japan. Many experiments in the west and east, as well as time tested faithful practice, have confirmed why the Tao of Revitalization/Internal exercises were given the title “The Foremost of Therapies” by the Yellow Emperor. “One study by Dr. Pao Ling published in Guolin Research Report involved 2,873 terminal cancer patients where “Chi Kung” therapy was used to treat their afflictions. Within a six month period, about 12% of the patients were cured and about 47% showed significant improvements in their condition, about 41 % showed no improvement” (Dr. Stephen Chang, Complete System of Self Healing, p. 14-15). That is almost 60% of the people cured or significantly improved after only 6 months of therapy/practice, truly incredible. The list of research would fill a book on its own so I will only include the one study for now. Future articles will reference others where appropriate.
Let us pause for today with one final thought that earlier was referred to as the goods news…. “If you do external exercises, you must do internal exercise. If you do internal exercise, you can forget about external exercise” (Dr. Stephen Chang).
Until next time, Best Wishes and Many Blessings to all.
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(Article) What is Tao?

What is Tao?
(Continued from the article Taoism: The Science and Philosophy of Life & Longevity)
If Taoism is the Science and Philosophy of Life & Longevity; then a logical question is; What is Tao? What is the source of that which Taoists study?
Most people translate Tao as the path or The Way. This is partially true, if you use the lower case version of tao. Others will mention being in harmony with nature, being at peace, flowing with what’s natural, balancing Yin & Yang etc… All of these are accurate descriptions but the question still eludes us, if Tao is the Path or The Way, then what is it the WAY of. What we are discussing here is not just tao, but TAO or Da Tao(大道, Great Tao). So what is this Da Tao or TAO that the ancient Taoists were speaking of. Quite simply TAO or Tao is the Chinese word for The Way of God. When a person is following The Way and he/she is in harmony with nature, at peace, balancing Yin/Yang, etc… they are literally walking with God, by elevating their body, mind & spirit. Let us look at a section from the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu to see what he had to say about Tao. Note the following qoutes are from the “Tao Te Ching translated by Gia Fu Feng and Jane English”. Notice how the text reads when you replace Tao with God.
Section 21:
The greatest Virtue is to follow Tao (God) and Tao (God) alone.
The Tao (God) is elusive and intangible.
Oh, it is intangible and elusive, and yet within is image.
Oh, it is elusive and intangible, and yet within is form.
Oh, it is dim and dark, and yet within is essence.
This essence is very real, and therein lies faith.
From the very beginning until now its (God’s) name has never been forgotten.
Thus I perceive creation.
How do I know the way of creation?
Because of this.
Section 23:
To talk little is natural.
High winds do not last all morning.
Heavy rain does not last all day.
Why is this? Heaven and earth!
If Heaven and earth cannot make things eternal,
How is it possible for man?
He who follows Tao (God)
Is at one with Tao (God).
He who is virtuous
Experiences (God’s) Virtue.
He who loses the Way (God’s Way)
Feels lost.
When you are at one with the Tao (God),
The Tao (God) welcomes you.
When you are at one with (God’s) Virtue, The Virtue is always there.
When you are at one with loss,
The loss is experienced willingly.
He who does not trust enough
Will not be trusted.
Taoism developed its 8 Subjects/Pillars with the goal of helping a person to not only achieve balance, peace and harmony, but to literally create a system to completely elevate their body, mind & spirit so they could “walk with God”.
Let us review for a moment:
Tao is The Way of God, Taoism is the Science and Philosophy of Life & Longevity (designed to elevate a person’s body, mind and spirit), and a Taoist is a person pursuing this path in an active, engaged manner. It is interesting to point out that being a Taoist does not interfere with a person’s Religious beliefs or cultural customs. It is very common for someone to follow Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism etc… or be Agnostic and also apply the Taoist Principles and the Science of Life & Longevity to their lives in a meaningful way that further enriches, and deepens their life and understanding. Let us take a break for now and ponder the words of Lao Tzu. Before we meet again, make sure you go for a walk, breathe slowly and deeply, and take the time to enjoy family-friends-and nature.
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(Article) Taoism: the science and philosophy of life & longevity

What is Taoism?
Taoism is the Philosophy and Science of Life & Longevity with over 6,000 years of success. Taoism and Taoists have influenced almost every conceivable topic, training and subject matter from:
- how to manage a home at one end to running a country or nation at the other
- preventing illness in an individual to improving the health of all people
- improving your physical wellbeing to completely elevating the body, mind and spirit
Taoism’s roots did begin in what we now call China, however, Taoism deals with matters that are Universal in nature and apply/can apply to everyone and everything. One of the purposes of these articles will be to explore and “Examine” Taoism in its entirety including; how it applies to current events and in our ever changing “modern” world. We will do this by focusing our attention on the 8 Pillars or subjects of Taoism (The Great Tao by Stephen T. Chang):
- Philosophy
- Internal/Self Healing Exercise (including Taiji Quan aka Tai Chi and Qigong aka Chi Kung)
- Diet & Nutrition
- Herbology
- Healing Arts (Tui-Na, massage, Acupressure, Acupuncture, etc…)
- Sexology (Family planning, Relationships and Complete Achievement)
- Science of Management (from the Individual, Family, Career, Corporate, Nation etc…)
- I-Ching Sciences (Exploring the nature of Change)
What are some of the Influences?
Each of these Pillars or Departments have over time become greatly fragmented and reduced into many fields and specializations. For Instance, many people are familiar with Acupuncture, but many, including Acupuncturists, are unaware that it is only one “twig” of one branch that Taoists call the Healing Arts. Another example is how the knowledge of Herbology and Alchemy inspired and created what we now know as Chemistry; Taoist Philosophy in many aspects has become Physics, Psychology etc… The list of influences, fragmentations and specializations is very long…to long in fact to cover in one article. You can look forward to many exciting and tantalizing articles and perhaps friendly debates and discussions.
So in the nature of Taoists from long ago through today, pull up a chair, and prepare to sip your favorite beverage as we discuss Life & Longevity.
With this I wish all of you Many Blessings on your/our Journey towards Tao; which will be the topic of the next article…What is Tao?.
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