As you may recall, in Taoist Cosmology, 2012 was the year of the water dragon. For most of this year we were quite fortunate because the strong nature of the dragon was partially tempered by the water element which acted as a controlling force or counter balance.
During dragon years all events are heightened and it is quite easy to experience very strong emotions that usually accompany these major national and global events. This year however, thanks in part to the water element possible problematic scenarios were lessened, still strong, but not as strong as the full potential could have been. We will explore the past years events in the light of Taoism, in another article later this week.
What is of most concern for us now as we enter the peak of the winter season, is the influence the water dragon will have over the next 1.5 months. An important distinction is the winter solstice is not the first day of winter, according to the Taoist system; the solstice is actually when the winter season is reaching its peak. Winter actually began back on November 21st, which explains the so called early snow storms and Nor’easters often associated with winter.
Between the end of December and the end of January we may observe the very nature of the water dragon which acted as a counterbalance for most of the year, join together and create a late surge of Wind-Water energy combined with the strength of the Dragon which may create tremendous, record breaking, snowfall, blizzards and rainstorms. This may affect most of the country, Canada and parts of Europe and Asia as well, but in particular the following regions of the USA: Northeast, Northwest and Midwest. If the Midwest blizzard is any indication, we would do well to prepare our homes, bodies and families for what may arrive over the next few weeks.
According to Master Zhongxian Wu in his “Winter Greetings newsletter”:
“This winter will be extremely cold, and many areas will have record breaking snow and rain storms. It will be especially intense during the time period between November 21 2012 – January 20 2013. The angry Water Dragon will be stirring up some trouble in Nature and for many of us before it takes off in February. The extremes of cold and damp energy this winter will prove challenging for those with weak kidney, heart or digestive function.”
If you recall in the prior article, winter is also the time to retreat, conserve-store energy and rest. It is especially important this winter to maintain our internal pressure and heat while strengthening our kidneys, heart and digestive functions with the Tao of Revitalization exercises or gentle Qigong forms. In particular: the kidney exercise, Meridian massage, stomach rubbing, liver and stomach massage and the 8 Directional exercises. The deer-turtle-crane exercises will help store and circulate the energy within thus helping to protect your body from any potential illnesses or weakness.
Bruce Frantzis advised recently in an email message:
“For the Taoists, the winter solstice has always been an important energetic day and time of year. On and around the solstices is when the potential of change is the greatest. It is a perfect time to clarify your intentions for the coming year and to let go of anything not useful or serving you in your life.”
As you spend time with family and friends the next few weeks concluding this year of the Dragon and preparing for 2013 which will be the year of the Water Snake, take time to also reflect on the past year and prepare your goals and intentions for the coming year.
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