In the article “White rice is the great equalizer”, rice soup was mentioned as the first healing formula listed in the Huangdi Neijing, (over 5,000 years ago). Rice plays an integral role in Taoism as well as Chinese food therapy and Classical Chinese Medicine. Not only will rice bring any meal to a natural acid/alkaline balance, it also serves as the base/foundation for healing recipes. This article includes two basic formulas to help your body heal using rice. Congee has a similar consistency to porridge, if you prefer you can add more water for a consistency similar to soup.
Basic rice congee:
Thoroughly wash/rinse 1 cup of white rice, add 5 cups of water and bring to a boil. Reduce to low heat and cook for 1 hour. Serve with any dish and enjoy.
Benefits: Rice soup soothes the internal organs. It is very good for people with weak stomachs, indigestion, fermentation, extreme fatigue and aids in food absorption.
Chinese Yam congee (modified from “Chinese Herb Cooking for Health” by Dr. Wang-Chuan Chen:
- Wash ¼ cup of red jujubes and discard the pits. Wash a little less than ¼ cup of Chinese yams and divide into small pieces
- Add to basic rice congee recipe and bring to boil
- Reduce to low heat and cook for 1 hour
- Sweeten with raw sugar and serve
Benefits: “Extremely nutritious, good for those recovering from long illnesses, easy to digest and improves strength.”
You can find Chinese yams in most Chinese grocery stores and some organic markets, Whole Foods or Trader Joes etc… White rice is one of the most beneficial food staples and ingredients God has blessed humanity with. You can adapt the basic rice congee recipe as needed and adjust to your preferences. For instance, you can add: chicken, green onions, salt and pepper for a delicious meal, or drop in one egg per person, along with green onion, salt and pepper for a delicious twist to your breakfast routine.
Take the time, at least once per week, to enjoy these simple and delicious rice congee/porridge recipes. Be creative and let the Taoism Examiner know how you like them and if you come up with any of your own variations.
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