Qigong (aka Chi-Kung) is a branch of the Taoist self healing exercises or Tao of Revitalization and has been practiced for over 5,000 years by millions of people around the world. A University of Sydney research project confirms that “Cancer patients who used [Qigong] a combination of gentle exercise and meditation experienced significantly higher well-being levels, improved cognitive functioning and less inflammation compared to a control group… which deteriorated in all of these areas. (The University of Sydney, Australia)”
The benefits of reduced inflammation were particularly significant for the group practicing Qigong, stated Dr Byeongsang Oh, a clinical senior lecturer at the Sydney Medical School who led the study. The ten week project involved 162 patients, ranging in age from 31-86 years old; 34% of the participants were diagnosed with breast cancer and 12% with colorectal cancer. The group had two 90 minute classes per week and was encouraged to practice 30 minutes per day at home. In addition to the benefits already listed, the participants were pleasantly surprised when they noticed an increased satisfaction with their sex lives as well. Dr. Oh presented the results to the American Society of Clinical Oncology at a recent conference in Chicago.
Other studies involving Qigong and Cancer
This study is one of many recently that confirms the tremendous healing ability of the Taoist exercises, whether they are Tai Chi, Qigong or the Tao of Revitalization. Presently, the Richard Stockton College of NJ is conducting research regarding the ability of Tai Chi to reduce joint pain in breast cancer patients. In China, Dr. Pao Ling conducted a study with over 2,800 terminal cancer patients involving Qigong therapy as their treatment regimen. After a six month period 59% of the patients were cured or showed significant improvement and 41% showed no improvement. You read that correctly, that’s 59% of the people being cured or significantly improved with Qigong as the only treatment in only six months!
It is very promising to see modern scientists and researchers’ confirming what was previously discovered by Taoists over 6,000 years ago. The modern researchers do not understand how these “exercises” produce such miraculous results, however, the ancient Taoists did and still do understand the how and why.
How is this possible?
Dr. Stephen T. Chang beautifully summarizes the process in “The Complete System of Self Healing”: “The Internal Exercises were arrived at by ancient Taoists through careful study and application of the physical laws of nature and the natural principles of healing. Their conformity to these physical laws-the same laws that govern the human body-confer upon the Internal Exercises the special power to coax the diseased bodily parts back to its natural order, to health… When followed daily, they promote not only freedom from disease and pain, but also a wonderful sense of well-being that springs from the heart of the individual… [Taoists] emphasized that one could at the very least obtain perfect health and happiness during their lifetime. They felt that [everyone] had the right to live a life free of physical pain, mental disharmony and spiritual selflessness.”
Through these exercises, it is possible for humanity to live, develop and grow older without worrying about the ailments that most consider unavoidable or a byproduct of being alive. For the Taoists, perfect health, harmony and balance are our birthrights!
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