University study proves that Tai Chi can improve heart health

As reported in the Daily Mail-London and the European Journal of Preventative Cardiology; a Hong Kong Polytechnic University study proves that Tai Chi significantly improves heart health, lowers blood pressure and increases strength among the elderly when practiced regularly.
The participants, 65 people from Hong Kong, also had improved arterial compliance and increased knee-muscle/ligament strength.
“Arterial compliance is an important indicator of heart health in the elderly because stiffness in the arteries is closely associated with cardiovascular diseases. (Qi Journal, Summer 2012)”
Dr. William Tsang also noted:
“the Tai Chi subjects scored better in almost all medical observations, including blood pressure, vascular resistance and pulse resistance. (Qi Journal, Summer 2012)”
Many Tai Chi practitioners are not surprised by studies that confirm its many health benefits as they are aware that as a branch of Qigong, Chinese Medicine and the Tao of Revitalization; Tai Chi when practiced correctly, following its original Taoist principles, is a highly effective and beneficial form of cultivation.
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The Taoist approach to caring for the breasts

Taoism views the body as a complete system that is interconnected through the organs, nerves, circulation (blood and fluids including hormones), energy, mind and spirit. When the different systems are functioning properly and the blood and energy are able to circulate freely, then the body is in a state of “health”. When one kink appears in the system, however, many problems will develop as symptoms of the underlying cause.
For instance, when the body is eliminating dead cells and waste through the lymphatic and eliminatory systems, if there is a blockage or weakness in the system, the dead cells will become stuck in that location. Over time more and more dead cells will accumulate until hardness develops. Since the dead cells contain waste material if the hardness/ blockage remains the dead cells are able to secrete toxic substances which in turn causes more cells to become diseased and die, resulting in more blockages and areas of hardness etc… This explains why hardness and tumors grow and why “cancer” spreads to other areas of the body.
According to Dr. Chang, “breast lumps are the result of blockages. When the circulatory flow in breasts is blocked for any reason, the consequences will be the appearance of soreness or lumps in the area. The deer exercise eliminates any existing blockages to facilitate energy or blood circulation. In this way, future blockages or breast problems will be prevented. (Tao of Sexology, p. 111)”
Blockages and weakness can also occur from injuries, the breasts are especially vulnerable to injury due to its very delicate tissues. This is one reason why the nipples and breast should not be pinched, bitten or pulled and why the breast in general should not be squeezed or compressed. These actions cause blockages in the breasts and can cause many problems. Breast feeding is an exception as the breast tissue goes through temporary changes allowing the mother to feed the child without harming the breasts and nipples.
Women need to make sure during lovemaking that their nipples are only caressed, cupped and lightly kissed, again avoid pinching, biting and pulling the nipples.
“In Taoist Sexology, the breasts, along with the vagina, uterus and ovaries, are regarded as essential parts of the reproductive system. From foreplay to pregnancy and nursing, the breasts are closely tied to the genital system, through nervous impulses, hormones etc… (Tao of Sexology, p.89, Dr. Stephen T. Chang)”
Fortunately, there is an ancient Taoist technique, where a woman can massage her breasts thus ensuring the reproductive system remains healthy and encourages the proper elimination of waste through the lymphatic system. The Tao of revitalization encourages all of the systems to function properly.
The female deer exercise involves massaging the breasts and vagina in a particular manner along with squeezing the anal and vaginal muscles. Regarding the breast massage, make sure you do not touch the nipples as the over stimulation can cause blockages. Keep this important point in mind as there are many versions of this exercise in other books and on the internet that are done improperly. The exercise will completely energize the entire reproductive system as well as all 7 glands thus improving the overall immune system as well.
In addition to helping to prevent or improve lumps and blockages in the breasts and reproductive system the exercise will also: regulate hormone levels, strengthen the uterus to help prevent cysts and fibroids and more. There are several Taoist herbal teas/formulas that greatly enhance the benefits of the female deer exercise for those with blockages in the breast.
Feel free to contact the National Taoism Examiner and refer to the Tao of Sexology: The book of Infinite Wisdom by Dr. Stephen T. Chang, for further information or questions regarding the Female Deer exercise.
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