As mentioned in the prior Year of the Snake article; Snake Years often contain many major global events. It is not uncommon for war, famine, disease and natural disasters to occur during these years. Of course, these are not the only events and many good stories are reported as well, however, one cannot deny the high occurrence of catastrophes and tragedies as well.
The nature of a snake is to be elusive, intelligent, cunning, sharp, powerful, reserved, patient etc… Snake years are often times to act on prior plans and launch skillful, well thought out strategies and programs. Often there is a fine line between a “good outcome” and a negative one, does the Snake bring peace and positive results which benefit all or strike with ferocious speed and cause negative consequences; this is determined by ones intentions dear reader.
Let’s review the major events from some of the prior Snake Years.
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2001 Year of the Snake
- 20,000 People Die in Violent Earthquake in India, 7.9 earthquake
- Human Genome Sequence Revealed
- September 11 Terror Attacks in the United States, World Trade Center destroyed
- China’s Entry into WTO
- The United States Unilaterally Withdraws from the Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty
- World Economic Slowdown
- Wikipedia launched
- US invades Afghanistan
- IPod released

1989 Year of the Snake
- Eastern Bloc Revolutions (Revolutions of 1989 led to Dissolution of Soviet Union)
- World Wide Web invented
- First text message sent
- Tiananmen Square massacre in China
- Mini stock market crash (known as the Friday the 13th mini crash)
- Berlin Wall torn down
- Real Estate bubble burst/Crash
- Exxon Valdez oil spill
- Loma Prieta earthquake, San Francisco CA (during professional baseball’s World Series game)
- Belgian UFO wave begins
- US invasion of Panama

1977 Year of the Snake
- Apple computers incorporated
- Snow falls in Miami, Florida (first time in history)
- New England blizzard kills 100 people
- USSR completes nuclear test
- France performs nuclear test
- KLM-Pan Am flight disaster (kills 583 people)
- US performs nuclear test
- Panama Canal Zone accord
- Department of Energy created to deal with oil crisis
- New York City blackout lasts 25 hours and results in looting and disorder
- World Trade Center in NY is completed
- Atari 2600 released, credited with creating the home video game industry

1965 Year of the Snake
- Watts Riots (Watts, California)
- Lyndon Johnson announces program to create Medicare and declares war on poverty
- Northeast US and parts of Canada experience widespread blackouts
- US Voting Rights Act passed
- US increases troop numbers and Australia joins the Vietnam War
- Malcolm X assassinated
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. leads famous civil rights march in Selma Alabama

1953 Year of the Snake
- Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay perform the first successful ascent to the summit of Mount Everest.
- Coup d’ etat in Iran authoritarian monarchy established
- Stalin dies
- Korean War ends
- Polio vaccine developed
- F5 Tornado strikes Waco in Texas leaving 114 dead and 597 injured, The Tornado was one of the many storm disasters for the development of a nationwide severe weather warning system.
- The strongest storms ever recorded break through flood defenses across the UK leaving 150 dead
- North Sea flood of 1953 kills 1,835 people in the southwestern Netherlands

1941 Year of the Snake
- US enters WWII as war rapidly escalates
- Mt. Rushmore completed
- Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
- FDR become only US President to serve a third term
- US declares war on Japan, Germany and Italy
- Germany attacks Soviet Union
- Plutonium discovered
- Blizzard of 1941 strikes Minnesota and North Dakota becomes the most severe blizzard in modern history.

1929 Year of the Snake
- Total of over 200,000 die from Influenza Epidemic
- Vatican City gains independence from Italy and is created as its own State
- Great Stock Market crash occurs and creates the Great Depression in the United States and world
- The German airship Graf Zeppelin completes a round-the-world flight.
- The first car radio is made by Motorola
- 1929 Palestinian riots breakout over control of the “Western Wall”
- All India Congress declares independence from Britain
- Weimar Republic (Germany) begins to collapse along with currency
- Hitler and Nazis (National Socialists) come to power in Germany

1917 Year of the Snake
- Russian revolution, Tsar overthrown
- US declares war on Germany, enters WWI
- US President given authority of conscription
- Balfour Declaration proclaims British support for a Jewish state
- British troops take Jerusalem from the Ottoman Empire in the Battle of Jerusalem
- Albert Einstein publishes first paper on cosmology
- British Indian Army captures Baghdad Gandhi establishes Sabarmati Ashram
- China enters WWI declares war on Austria-Hungary and Germany

1905 Year of the Snake
- Second year of Russian-Japanese War, war ends (more than 100,000 people die)
- Albert Einstein publishes foundations of his theories (specialized theory of relativity, Brownian motion, mass-energy equivalence)
- Kangra earthquake in India kills over 20,000 people
- US and Canada begin the great western expansion in their respective countries
- Wright Brothers complete first airplane test flight to last more than 30 minutes
- Union between Norway and Sweden is dissolved

1893 Year of the Snake
- Gandhi ejected from South African train, motivating him to fight for Indian rights in the British Colony
- Frederick Douglass delivers speech at World Fair
- Kingdom of Hawaii overthrown
- Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse introduce the world to electrical power by illuminating World’s Columbian Exposition
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