Mexico has over 59 different indigenous strains of corn, and corn is a key ingredient in many dishes; from soup, tamales, bread, and the well known tacos and tortillas. Corn is so important to the Mexican diet that an ancient Mayan text states that “man and corn are…inextricably linked –giving rise to the saying that Mexicans are ‘people of corn’. (Lauren Villagran, Christan Science Monitor)”
Currently Mexico allows GM (Genetically Modified) corn cultivation in a few northern states, however, Monsanto and other companies are attempting to get permits to expand their business to other Mexican states.
This has led Greenpeace and other organizations like UNORCA (National Union of Autonomous Regional Peasant Organizations) to launch protests throughout Mexico in an attempt to persuade the Mexican government to resist the Monsanto led—GMO invasion.
Many documentaries have been made showing the devastating effects GM corn is having on the Mexican population in general, and the native Mexicans in particular. Many suicides have occurred when people who have farmed corn for generations (some families for hundreds of years if not longer) realized that GM corn destroys the native heirloom seeds and crops. Two other major problems have occurred with Monsanto’s GM corn in Mexico:
- The farmers are forced to purchase seeds from Monsanto each season since the GMO/Monsanto patent laws/rules state that Monsanto owns all crops grown from GMO seeds.
- They are forced with the threat of prosecution, not to store or use heirloom seeds and not to replant GMO seeds either.
Since Monsanto claims to own all crops grown from GMO seeds and the farmers are not allowed to use heirloom seeds the farmers thus become GMO seed dependent and defacto indentured servants or GMO slaves.
If you think this story is unfortunate but does not affect you unless you live in Mexico, consider the reality of the situation that these GMO companies are multinational mega-corporations whose intended goal is for the entire worlds food supply to eventually be derived from GMO seeds and crops. Many organizations estimate that up to 85% of all corn in the USA is already GMO corn. Recent tests in many universities and health organizations have shown solid links between GM corn (as well as other GMO foods) and cancer including tumors in rats and mice.
“Mexico is the world’s only hope,” says Mr. Turrent Fernandez. “If a few years from now the world wants to revert to original strains, the only way to return is for native Mexican corn not to be contaminated. (Lauren Villagran, Christan Science Monitor)”
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