Looking for a delightful read then try the Tao of Pooh

Over the course of several decades of study, practice and teaching Taoism, your National Taoism Examiner has come across many books which seem to fit into one of several categories. Books written by people who have no experience with Taoism, those written by people who think they know Taoism, those who want to pervert what Taoism is, some who have some level of understanding, however, often incomplete, and finally the few (ever so few) by those who actually “get it”.
The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff is a gem, that fits into the ever so few who actually get it category. With an average rating of 4.4 out of 5 stars out of 353 reviews on Amazon, your N.T.E. is not alone in feeling this way.
Using the well known, and beloved by many, Winnie the Pooh characters, Mr. Hoff brilliantly elucidates the often obvious and sometimes hidden Taoist lessons, that many people in the west grew up learning unbeknownst to them.
This actually is a two part series, with the first installment focusing on the many Taoist attributes of the main character, Pooh bear himself. That lovable-simple-carefree-relaxed-easygoing bear, that at first glance appears to get into constant trouble, but yet upon deeper reflection, more often than not is the one character that gets all of the others out of trouble…and usually by doing nothing at all.
Mr. Hoff uses several well known Taoist stories to illustrate his points and does this in a conversational manner as if he is teaching the lessons to Pooh, or perhaps (your N.T.E. will leave this up to you) it is actually Winnie the Pooh who is teaching Mr. Hoff and all of us.
One example is when he relays the story of the “The Vinegar Tasters” which is summarized here:
…he begins by telling Pooh that they are walking down a narrow street in a large Chinese city when they come upon a small shop selling classical scrolls. They ask for a scroll with humorous, allegorical and timeless meaning, something that is still relative in todays world. The old shopkeeper smiles and brings back a scroll called “The Vinegar Tasters”. Mr. Hoff and Pooh review the scroll and Pooh unable to read Chinese requires an explanation of the scroll. Which we learn is a picture of three men standing around a large barrel of vinegar. Each person tastes the vinegar and their reaction is depicted in the painting. The three men or more appropriately the three Masters are Kung Fu-tzu (Confucius), Buddha and Lao-tzu. “The first has a sour look on his face, the second wears a bitter expression, but the third man is smiling. (Tao of Pooh, Benjamin Hoff, p.3)”
According to Hoff, Kung Fu-tzu felt that life was sour and that everything was out of balance and not following Tao, so he perceived the vinegar as sour. Buddha thought (or his followers perceived, which will be addressed in another article) that life resulted in suffering because of our attachments and desires, so he perceived the vinegar as bitter.
Lao-tzu on the other hand, understood the natural laws, and that the harmony that exists between heaven and earth can be found and cultivated at anytime. He also understood that often it is when something or someone is tested the most or is the most uncomfortable in a situation that growth and evolution occurs and that when something is negative or unpleasant a seed of something positive is hidden within. So for Lao-tzu, the vinegar with all of its sour qualities, was actually “sweet” and pleasant.
“But what does that have to do with vinegar? asked Pooh. I thought I had explained that…I don’t think so, said Pooh…Sweet? You mean like honey? asked Pooh. Well maybe not that sweet…Are we still supposed to be in China? Pooh asked cautiously. No, we’re through explaining and now we’re back at the writing table. Oh [Pooh said]. Well, we’re just in time for something to eat, he added, wandering over to the kitchen cupboard. (Tao of Pooh)”
Reminiscent of the Taoist principle, that one should eat when hungry, drink when thirsty and sleep when…well sleepy.
It is in Pooh’s naturalness, adaptability and the ease with which he lives, that he is a great example of so many Taoist principles, especially P’u. P’u is often translated as “the uncarved block”, however, the characters for P’u actually represent many trees or a forest in their natural state. So rather than an uncarved block, this principle represents how things are, and could be, when left alone! A block being uncarved is still not in its natural state, as it is no longer a tree in the forest.
More articles will follow regarding both the Tao of Pooh and the Te of Piglet. It is unfortunate that Benjamin Hoff and Penguin Books had a falling out, since he could have created a truly remarkable collection by exploring, in depth, all of the Winnie the Pooh characters. For now, however, we will have to learn from Pooh and Piglet…Oh yes, the little pink one, is a great teacher in his own right and a review of his book will come forthwith.
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World unites against Monsanto and GM food
Recently, Vermont became the first state in the U.S. To pass a GMO labeling law. This law requires all food that contains any Genetically Modified ingredients to be clearly labeled as such. For instance, if your corn chowder contains GM corn, the label will have to show ingredients: corn (GMO), salt, flour etc…
Monsanto leads the world in GM development and proliferation and has also fought, successfully, for several years to prevent such laws from ever being introduced as bills let alone passing as laws.
Currently there are over 20 additional states that are in the “voter initiative” stage which would allow the citizens to vote for or against GM labeling laws. Some of the states are: Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Oklahoma, California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska.
Major toxicology study
The peer review Journal of Organic Systems reported the findings from a longterm toxicology study “pigs fed a combined GM soy and GM maize [corn] diet…had higher rates of severe stomach inflammation…”
That is correct, the pigs digestive systems were so overwhelmed and corrupted by the GM corn and soy that they had severe inflammation. Have you noticed the increase in Acid Reflux, Colitis and other digestive trouble in humans, one only needs to watch the ever present drug commercials to see that there is an increase or just ask your friends and family. Also, an increasingly common allergy to Gluten, is really the same digestive inflammation that the pigs suffered and the cause is the same…GM ingredients. When a person sensitive to gluten switches to an all organic diet, they are amazed at how the problem goes away after some time.
If you think this is still not a serious problem then consider that 85% of all corn in the US is genetically modified, and almost all animal feed is made from GM corn and other GM ingredients. A recent decision by Monsanto to create GM sweet corn, means that your beloved summer BBQ with the grilled corn on the cob, or boiled of course, is (unless organic) now GM as well. So how does eating corn mixed with fish DNA, that is hard wired with genetic pesticide taste now.
Monsanto’s stated goal, according to Jeffrey Smith author of “Seeds of Deception”, “is to genetically engineer 100% of all the worlds seeds and then patent them. (RT interview)” This means the future we are moving into, according to Monsanto, will require “everyone” to purchase their seeds every time you want to grow “anything”. Don’t even think about saving seeds for your next planting season, because most GM plants do not produce seeds and even if they do, the patent laws make it illegal for you to keep the seeds. You see, when a person or company uses Monsanto seeds, Monsanto not only owns the seed, they also own everything the seed produces—-indefinitely!
Economic implications for the US
This issue is affecting the US in particular because the US government through the FDA has snuggled up closely to Monsanto, if not outright in bed with them.
- China has refused shipments of US corn over GMO concerns.
- Russia has placed a three year moratorium on planting GM seeds until further study into its safety.
- France, the EU’s top grain producer, banned GM corn cultivation.
Currently 64 countries require GM labeling on products, perhaps the recent move by Vermont, will encourage if not force the US government to become the 65th country. After all, why not, if GM ingredients are as safe as the FDA and Monsanto say they are, then why not label the products and allow people to make an informed choice? Why hide something if it is safe?
Feel free to call or write your state Congress as well as the Federal Congress to let them know that it is unacceptable for our food supply to contain potentially dangerous ingredients, and not be labeled as such.
If you want to protect yourself from the dangers of GM food, then buy organic as much as possible, then cross your fingers and say a little prayer, because between wind, rain and pollinators even organic food can be contaminated by GM seeds.
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Brain Enhancer: Dr. Chang’s new solution for modern day problems

Unique Background
Brain Enhancer is a famous yet secret formula of the Qing Dynasty Imperial family, one especially favored by the Empress Dowager Ci Xi. It was formulated by Dr. Cui Guo-Yin, who came from a famous family of Chinese Medicine in Anhui province. He was professor to the Emperor as well as first envoy to the United Kingdom and ambassador to the United States of America. His formula was inherited by his great-grandson Dr. Stephen T. Chang.
A Natural, Herbal and Nutritional Wonder
Brain Enhancer is composed of pure herbal ingredients perfected by lengthy experience and stringent scientific study. Several studies to document its benefits were conducted in China, and it has been scientifically proven— in all its faculties and processes up to 36 times.
What is the Difference? Science proves:
In 1994, a physiological study was conducted by the Chinese South Polar Team, where Brain Enhancer was subjected to many double blind tests.
- Results from the test included significant increases in memory-concentration and analytic-cognitive power. It is known that the human brain is subject to the following physiological constraints: when memory-concentration powers are high, analytic-cognitive powers are low, and when memory-concentration powers are low, analytic-cognitive powers are high. That is why for most of us when we are young, our memory-concentration abilities exceed our analytic-cognitive abilities; and when we age our analytic-cognitive abilities increase while our memory fades. With Brain Enhancer, however, both ends of the spectrum are boosted significantly. This is an absolutely unique property.
- Studies have shown it can significantly boost memory recovery when memory is purposely blocked by alcohol or chemical use. A certain ingredient in Brain Enhancer quickly causes memory to recover, providing it’s proven intelligence boosting power.
- In another study, the formula was proven to increase blood circulation in the brain as well as improve the metabolization of free radicals, thereby physically improving and toning the brain.
- Another study by Ahui University showed improved nutritional feeding of not only brain cells, but also the pituitary, pineal, thyroid, thymus, pancreas, adrenal and sexual glands. When these components of the immune system are strengthened, the system itself is inevitably strengthened.
- In another study, Brain Enhancer was shown to have the ability to turn cancer cells that had become dull and dark with purple green coating to bright red within 48 hours, proving its effective oxygenating power. Further tests have proved that Brain Enhancer stimulates the central nervous system, increases arterial elasticity, improves the heart’s systolic pressure and improves eyesight. Additional tests have shown that Brain Enhancer has natural antibiotic activity against E.Coli and many other bacterial organisms.
- Finally, Brain Enhancer has been proven to stimulate and regulate uterine and prostate glandular functions, thereby improving sexual function.
Case Studies From Three Major Hospitals
Case studies using Brain Enhancer have been performed by the Medical University Hospital, Chinese Medical College Hospital and Anhui Province Hospital—all three major hospitals in Anhui province. They have proven up to 92.2% rate of effectiveness for the following: heart palpitation and fibrillation, memory as well as speech loss, chronic fatigue, malnutrition, depression, headache, dizziness, insomnia, and frequent urination. Also, the formula was ranked satisfactorily against senility and Alzheimer’s disease and very good against mental retardation.
One Ounce of Prevention is Better than One Pound of Cure
For preventative purposes, according to Dr. Stephen Chang’s lengthy experience, Brain Enhancer energizes and promotes the intellect (learning, thinking and every other faculty and process of the brain), relieves stress and tension, relieves fatigue, retards aging, improves skin condition and complexion, and improves sexual drive and ability.
Another Reason why Brain Enhancer is Important
A terrible problem with today’s environment is the lack of oxygen. Cities by the ocean are supposed to have about 12% oxygen in the air, but due to pollutants, oxygen levels are actually reduced to about 7%. In inland cities or factory towns, the situation is much, much worse. This invisible enemy is one of the reasons why cancer rates are skyrocketing. If something can directly supply oxygen to the cells, it would be a godsend. Brain Enhancer appears to increase the flow of oxygen to the blood cells and to the brain, and it may provide the best defense yet against these problems, while relieving at the same time depression, irritability, aches and pains and so on.
Nutritional studies have also proven Brain Enhancer to have whole nutritional value. The formula is absolutely natural—no artificial colors or additives or chemical preservatives. Finally, as proven by lengthy experience, Brain Enhancer’s effective ingredients are completely safe, side effect free, non-toxic, consistent, and easy to use.
The National Taoism Examiner would like to remind everyone that the above information and report should be considered for informational purposes only and no representations are made with regards to diagnosis, prescription or cures. One should also remember that this is intended only as a reference for the further comprehension of the reader.
The above article is modified/adapted from a report published by Tao Longevity, LLC and The Foundation of Tao, Inc.
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Annals of Internal Medicine agrees with Taoism: multivitamins should not be used

For the last several decades (at least the last four), multivitamins have been promoted as the perfect solution for improper nutrition. Many reports and stories, mainly in the form of advertising and marketing, have portrayed vitamins as preventing various diseases and even being able to help cure others.
If you walk into any grocery store, drug store or “health store” you will find hundreds if not thousands of different brands and concoctions containing various amounts of vitamin cocktails. They range from heart health, eye care, joint repair, anti aging and bodybuilding/sports nutrition and everything in between. Over $20 billion per year is spent on vitamin supplements in the United States alone.
There was a time when Allopathic Physicians scorned vitamins and told their patients they were untested and unsafe, even while promoting synthetic pharmaceutical drugs. Even pharmaceutical companies, just 15-20 years ago would publish lengthy reports of the dangers of taking vitamins.
This all changed a few years ago when the pharmaceutical companies purchased most of the major brands of multivitamins, as a result vitamins became the must have item and a frequently prescribed item by Doctors and often recommended item from Nutritionists and Nurses.
An article featured on Forbes.com (Case Closed: Multivitamins Should Not Be Used, by Larry Husten); in the article Mr. Husten quotes three different papers that appeared in
“the Annals of Internal Medicine that find no benefits for the use of multivitamins – only the latest in a long line of negative findings – Eliseo Guallar and colleagues write: `we believe that the case is closed – supplementing the diet of well-nourished adults with (most) mineral or vitamin supplements has no clear benefit and might even be harmful [emphasis added by NTE]. These vitamins should not be used for chronic disease prevention. Enough is enough.”
The first paper found “no evidence of an effect of nutritional doses on CVD, cancer, or mortality in healthy individuals without known nutritional deficiencies… (Larry Husten)”
The second paper involved approximately 6,000 physicians 65 or older and tracked their progress over a 12 year period using either multivitamins or a placebo. The tests included cognition, verbal memory and category fluency and reported no significant difference between the two groups.
The third group involved over 1,700 heart attack patients and after 4.5 years found no difference between the group given multivitamins and the placebo group.
Throughout this time and before, Taoism has always advised against vitamin supplementation and advocated eating a well Balanced Diet following Taoist principles and utilizing Strong Foods or the Forgotten Foods (Herbs).
Taoism has long recognized that there are major problems with our present dietary situation (The Tao of Balanced Diet by Dr. Stephen Chang):
- Since regular food represents only a small part of our food territory, it is possible for a human being to be deficient in some vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other substances that nourish particular parts of the body and regenerate special cells or tissues even though they eat the best of regular foods.
- There is evidence that proves that human beings cannot assimilate capsules of concentrated vitamins or synthetic nutrients that were invented to supplement or replace the inadequate regular diet. Nutrients can only be assimilated in natural food form, because every nutrient is balanced with other nutrients and is accompanied by substances which increase its effectiveness and its assimilation.
You can take all of the components of an egg or orange and attempt to reproduce them in a laboratory or even a 3D printer, but you will not produce anything even remotely similar to an actual egg or orange. Also, the resulting creation will not have the same affect on the body either.
We will discuss this further in another upcoming article regarding the Forgotten Foods and how the Taoist Diet has been able to help people for thousands of years.
The Annals of Internal Medicine article reminds us of several things and a few important questions for further reflection: how much do we really know about vitamins and minerals, how safe is it to use a substance that has not been thoroughly studied and proven over time, what are the long term risks involved etc…
In the Bible, Revelations 22:2, it is stated that “the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” We are supposed to eat and make use of all of the bounty earth provides, not isolated, synthesized components, created by man. Most of our dietary problems exist because we are starving our bodies, “since these chemicalized foods are not providing our bodies with the nutrients our bodies need. (Tao of Balanced Diet, Dr. Stephen Chang)”
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China shares over 5,000 years of scripts with the United Nations

A major event occurred at the United Nations in New York City, not surprisingly the event was not covered on any of the major Western news networks.
The Chinese Ethnic Scripts Exhibition made its debut and was organized by Liu Jieyi, permanent representative of China to the U.N. and The Chinese National Museum of Ethnology.
The event featured approx. 56 different ways of writing “Hépíng yǔ héxié 和平与和谐 or he” which roughly translates as peace and harmony. Each of China’s ethnic groups were represented with their local script and many were additionally represented with local traditional clothing and photos of the various regions.
Liu, informed the audience that the scripts & dialects represent China’s accumulated wisdom and are an integral part of China’s civilization.
Some of the scripts and exhibits included:
- Han Scripts: including an ancient tortoise shell used for I-Ching divination/consultations and Taoist scripts
- Qiang script
- Va script
“Liu said, Diversity enriches culture and makes our world a better one. Ethnic interactions and interdependence have formed a unique multifaceted cultural heritage in China’s 5,000-year history. He explained, In my view, the various ethnic scripts on display represent the richness of these cultures that are part of China’s heritage. The Chinese writing system is one of the oldest known written languages in the world. They’re indispensable resources for understanding China’s multi-ethnic history and culture. These ethnic scripts not only contribute to the preservation of unique cultural identities, but also celebrate cultural diversity around the world. (The China Voice by Kaileen Wang)”
Liu wanted to host the exhibit at the U.N. to share this accumulated wisdom with the world as the principles of peace and harmony are at the core of Chinese civilization and should be goals for all of mankind.
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2014 year of the Yang Wood Horse

As you may recall 2012 was the year of the Yang Water Dragon and 2013 was the year of the Yin Water Snake, on January 31, 2014 we entered the year of the Yang Wood Horse.
The Yin Water Snake is not going quietly. During the last two months of 2013 (Dec. and Jan.) most of the Midwest, East and Northeast portions of the United States had repeated snow and ice storms. At the same time Alaska and northern portions of Europe had unseasonably warm winters. For those that read the article (2013 is the the year of the Yin Water Snake), this should not have been a surprise.
We are now entering the Yang Wood Horse and the transition is already in place. We are coming out of two years of reflective, inward searching energy (water dragon and water snake) and entering a year dominated by an element (wood) known for growth, new beginnings; think of a small plant or tree just beginning to grow/sprout. The horse is known as a noble animal and is associated with being: strong, disciplined, regal, elegant, travel, adventure, also capable of great speed and endurance/perseverance.
When combined a Wood Horse year has the potential for fast growth. In a Yang year this effect can be compounded even further. Those versed in even a rudimentary understanding of Taoist philosophy, know that fast uncontrolled growth often does not have a good outcome, nor is it long lasting.
This is a year to begin an auspicious venture, in a controlled manner, the horse must know who the master is, like wise so must the project/goal/venture.
According to Master Zhongxian Wu:
“The next animal sign begins on LiChun, the beginning of spring. LiChun is one of the 24 15-day segments in the annual cycle. According to WanNianLi, the Chinese Ten-Thousand Year Calendar, spring season will begin on February 4, 2014. The coming of spring correlates with the start of a new animal sign – JiaWu, the Year of Yang Wood Horse begins soon.
The Heavenly Stem Jia represents Yang Wood and the Earthly Branch Wu represents Fire and carries the Horse as its spiritual animal. According to Chinese cosmology, I expect that the climatic pattern will be influenced by excess Earth energy, which means that it will more damp than it has been the last several years. I also expect that this spring will be cold. In places that have had unseasonably warm winters so far, like Sweden and Alaska, we can expect heavy snow or ice storms in late March and early April.
Also, during March and April, the flu season will affect many this year. These cosmological energies will cause some trouble for people who do not have strong digestive system function. As I always emphasis, keeping a daily Qigong practice is a great way to strengthen your digestive function and your immune health. (http://bluewillow88.wordpress.com/)”
Also Ken Cohen states:
“Because the Horse is related to fire, this is a Wood Fire Year. The first element symbolizes heaven and spirituality. The second element, fire, symbolizes the physical world, especially the environment and economy. Elements may be either in harmony or conflict. This year the elements are in harmony. Wood produces fire. This means that this year spirituality has the potential to feed and transform our physical, earthly existence. In other words, there are good opportunities for people to make better, ecologically-informed choices, so that their lifestyle is more in harmony with their spirituality. Let’s hope that industries and governments get the message! (Ken Cohen, 2014 Chinese New Year newsletter Jan. 24, 2014)”
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