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Yearly Archives: 2017

January 2025

UPDATE!!! Important Announcement for AD-101 and AD-102

We are pleased to announce that AD101 and AD102 are available again.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Many Blessings,


Important Announcement for AD-101 and AD-102

We were notified by Dr. Chang that AD-101 Travel and AD-102 Resistant are temporarily unavailable, with no mention of when they might return.  A key ingredient in both formulas is unavailable at this time.  We do not anticipate this being permanent, our suggestion is to check back monthly if you utilize either of these formulas.



You may consider the following teas/formulas for colds/flus/allergies etc…:

AD-109 Breathing


BD-201 Regulating


BD-210 Stone


BD-216 Vital


WD-307 Reducing


One dead, several sickened after UES Legionnaires’ outbreak

One person on the Upper East Side died of Legionnaires’ disease and six others were sickened by the bacteria-borne illness, officials said Friday.

The Health Department said the person who died was over 90 years old and had “significant underlying health conditions.”

Four people were recovering in hospitals and two others were discharged. (Read More)

Utah facility can turn food waste into enough natural gas to power a small city

North Salt Lake • State and local officials broke ground for Utah’s first food digester Thursday morning in a project aimed at reducing landfill waste and harnessing unused renewable energy.

The North Salt Lake facility, to be opened in late 2018, will deploy anaerobic digesters to grind and liquify food waste, then use water, heat and bacteria to convert it into methane gas to be used as natural gas and bio-solids to be converted into fertilizer (Read More)

2017 Year of the Yin Fire Rooster

note the characteristic neck bending that always takes place during crowing.
A rooster crowing
The transition from the Year of the Fire Monkey to the Year of the Fire Rooster is underway. January 28th was the first official day of the Fire Rooster and also the first day of Spring. It is time for us to reflect on what changes may occur so that we can be prepared no matter what situations may arise.

What crosses your mind when you think of a rooster? Punctuality (waking us up on time every morning), neat and organized, concerned about appearance, boastful, elaborate dances/moves to prove which rooster is top bird, arrogant, persuasive, self aggrandizing etc… are a few of the traits associated with roosters and those born during rooster years. During rooster years these traits will influence events throughout the year, however, during Fire years these traits have a tendency to be amplified as witnessed during 2016 Year of the Fire Monkey. 2016, however, was a Fire Year during a Yang cycle which helps to explain some of the “circus acts” observed during the year. 2017, is also a Fire year, however, it is during a Yin cycle which could help to limit some of the Roosters tendencies to be amplified during a Fire year.

Fire Rooster years are a good time to examine and reflect inwardly while also being active outwardly, the best manner this year is to cultivate virtues first, then let those virtues radiate outward to others and to your work/mission or project. Without balancing the external with internal you may have a tendency to turn the Roosters traits into liabilities. This is not the year to engage in seeing which Cock is the loudest, on a personal nor global level.

Let’s look at three prior Fire Rooster years (1957, 1897 and 1837):


  1. As the last major worldwide influenza pandemic, the 1957 Kweichow strain (H2N2) arrived in the USA by June 1957.
  2. Dow Jones plunges 19.4 % as a result of the pandemic, S&P 500 fell 21%. This sets the stage for very strong stock market recovery from 1958-1962.
  3. Mercedes-Benz produces first SL class
  4. Maya Angelou records her first album
  5. U.S. scientist Charles Keeling measures carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
  6. Dwight Eisenhower’s second inauguration (many people see similarities between President Trump and President Eisenhower)
  7. Northeast Airlines Flight 823 Crashes
  8. ‘The Cat In The Hat’ is Published
  9. Mid-South Tornado Outbreak (New Mexico to Oklahoma, western Arkansas, southern Kansas, eastern Colorado, and southeastern Wyoming)
  10. Hurricane Audrey (kills 416 people and devastates Eastern Texas and Western Louisiana)
  11. John Lennon meets Paul McCartney
  12. Althea Gibson becomes the first African American woman to win the womens singles title at Wimbledon
  13. Tunisia declares Independence from France
  14. President Eisenhower signs the 1957 Civil Rights Act
  15. Soviet Union Launches Sputnik 1 Satellite (worlds first Earth orbiting artificial satellite)
  16. Atlas Shrugged is published
  17. François “Papa Doc” Duvalier is Elected President of Haiti by a Vote of 1,320,748 to Zero
  18. Soviet Union Launches Sputnik 2 (first dog in space)
  19. Lewisham Rail Crash
  20. The USSR tests its first successful ICBM
  21. Eisenhower Doctrine calls for aid to Mideast countries which resist armed aggression from Communist-controlled nations
  22. Anti-American riots erupt in Taipei, Taiwan
  23. The International Atomic Energy Agency is established
  24. Mao Zedong admits that 800,000 “class enemies” have been summarily liquidated in China between 1949 and 1954 (in other words he admitted they killed over 800,000 people)
  25. Cold War: In the United States, the Gaither Report calls for more American missiles and fallout shelters
  26. Britain tests the H-Bomb


  1. M H Cannon becomes 1st woman state senator in US (Utah)
  2. Elva Zona Heaster is found dead in Greenbrier County, West Virginia. The resulting murder trial of her husband is perhaps the only case in United States history where the alleged testimony of a ghost helped secure a conviction
  3. British troops occupy Bida Gold Coast (Ghana)
  4. A meteorite enters the earth’s atmosphere and explodes over New Martinsville, West Virginia. The debris causes damage but no human injuries are reported
  5. 1st US orthodox Jewish Rabbinical seminary (RIETS) incorporates in NY
  6. France signs treaty with Emperor Menelik II of Abyssinia
  7. Japan adopts Gold Standard
  8. The Greco-Turkish War, also called “Thirty Days’ War”, is declared between Greece and the Ottoman Empire
  9. Fire in Paris bazaar at Rue Jean Goujon kills 200
  10. Battle at Thessalie: Turkish army beats Greece
  11. Possibly most severe quake in history strikes Assam India, shock waves felt over an area size of Europe (low mortality rate given size of earthquake, 1500 casualties)
  12. A treaty annexing the Republic of Hawaii to the United States is signed; the Republic would not be dissolved until a year later.
  13. The South African Committee, investigating the Jameson Raid releases its report finding that it was conducted almost implicitly through the support and encouragement of Cecil John Rhodes and the mining houses in the Transvaal
  14. Oldsmobile begins operation as a General Motors Corp division
  15. 1st electric taxis drive in London
  16. The Boston subway opens, becoming the first underground rapid transit system in North America
  17. King Leopold II takes Belgian crown
  18. World’s first car dealer opens in London
  19. Mohandas Gandhi is Nearly Lynched by White Settlers in Durban upon Returning from a Brief Trip to Fetch his Family in India
  20. William McKinley is inaugurated as the 25th president of the United States
  21. Lattimer Massacre
  22. The First Library Of Congress Building Opens Its Doors To The Public
  23. Recovery begins from the Panic of 1896


  1. Earthquake in southern Syria kills thousands
  2. American Physiological Society organizes in Boston
  3. Riot in New York due to a combination of poverty and increase in the cost of flour
  4. US President Andrew Jackson & Congress recognizes Republic of Texas
  5. Chicago becomes incorporated as a city
  6. Canada gives its black citizens the right to vote
  7. Panic of 1837: New York City banks fail, and unemployment reaches record levels (effects of this financial crisis would last until the mid 1840’s)
  8. The Broad Street Riot occurred in Boston, fueled by ethnic tensions between English-Americans and Irish-Americans
  9. Charles Goodyear obtains his 1st rubber patent
  10. Queen Victoria at 18 ascends British throne following death of uncle King William IV. She ruled for 63 years ending in 1901
  11. Grand Junction Railway, the world’s first long-distance railway, opens between Birmingham and Liverpool
  12. Queen Victoria is 1st monarch to live in present Buckingham Palace
  13. US Mint opens in Charlotte, North Carolina
  14. Pharmacists John Lea & William Perrins manufacture Worcestershire Sauce
  15. Charles Tiffany founded his jewelry & china stores
  16. Battle of Okeechobee-US forces defeat Seminole Indians
  17. Uprising under William Lyon Mackenzie in Canada
  18. Canadian militia destroy Caroline, a US steamboat docked at Buffalo.
  19. Louis Agassiz shows changes in Alpine glaciers
  20. Charles Darwin First Speech to the Geological Society of London
  21. Lincoln is admitted to the Bar
  22. Galilee earthquake
  23. Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist begins publication in serial form in London
  24. The conglomerate of Procter & Gamble has its origins when British-born businessmen William Procter and James Gamble begin selling their first manufactured goods (soap and candles) in Cincinnati, Ohio
  25. The Dutch sack the fortress of Bonjol, ending the Padri War
  26. Fire in the Winter Palace, Saint Petersburg

One thing is clear from the above lists, all three Fire Rooster years either had direct Financial Panics/Crises or were recovering from one (1897). Each year also had a build up towards war or involved some type of conflict both internally (civil conflict) and internationally as war or provocation. Major news events involving the middle east, Russia and China dominated these years. A few other similarities: flu pandemics, civil rights issues/legislation, dictators rising to power, anti-American riots, Atomic/Nuclear concerns, war with Turkey, riots in NY and Boston to name a few.

Will these events occur again, keep a watchful eye on world events and we will find out.


Redesigned sites

The following sites are now available after being completely redesigned:

Main Informational Site

QiInstitute store

QiInstitute.com Members Site

Many Blessings,


