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2020 Year of the Yang Metal Rat
We began the transition from the year of the Yin Earth Pig/Boar , with the year of the Yang Metal Rat celebration beginning January 25th, 2020. GengZi 庚子, the Year of the Golden (Yang Metal) Rat begins February 4, 2020. This is also the “real” first day of spring, the commonly accepted Western first day of spring March 20th is actually the peak of spring, each day after we transition towards Summer. The last day of the year of the Rat is February 11, 2021. The Lunar New Year (Chinese New Year) occurs on the second new moon after the winter solstice. The festival lasts approximately two weeks and ends with the Full Moon Festival of Heaven or Festival of Lanterns on February 8th.
The Rat begins a new twelve year cycle and the next Metal Rat year will not occur again until 2080. As the story is told, when the Jade Emperor gathered the animals together to create the calendar the Rat was riding on the back of the Ox and when they were approaching the Emperor the Rat jumped off the Ox’s back and ran to the Emperor, thus arriving first. The Ox second, followed by the other animals with the Pig/Boar last. Hence the order of the 12 Animal system.
Each Rat year is a sign of a new beginning a type of renewal with a new energy cycle. “The Rat symbol is symbolic of adaptability, kindness, creativity, foresight, and intelligence. It is also known for success, expanse, stealth, strength, and the ability to solve problems that other people cannot. (Master Tang)”
Ken Cohen states the “Positive Side: The fact that this year is the beginning of the 12-year cycle and the elements are in harmony means that it should be a relatively good year for creativity, prosperity, education, romance, and to re-dedicate yourself to health and balance.
Negative Side: However, because earth element is lacking and metal could be interpreted as sinking into the water, it is important to be extra careful that you build a stable foundation under whatever you do—whether building a house, studying a subject, or starting a new job or relationship. Also, metal and water are cold and relate to autumn and winter. The cold attitude of people in a position of power or authority and the cold nature of large institutions, such as government and corporations, will be even more apparent, which means continuing worldwide protests against injustice, especially in the autumn and winter seasons. It is interesting to note that the Boxer Rebellion, one of the most famous Chinese revolts against colonialism, peaked in 1900, a Metal Rat Year. (Ken Cohen)”
“As I mentioned in my Winter Greetings in early November 2019, the cosmological energy this winter season has weakened the lung function and/or immune system of many… The off-season warmth many of us experienced this winter is turning towards a cold spring and this pattern of cosmological Qi I am afraid will not be much better for many people. The new cold spring Qi has already begun to influence those people who suffer from joint pain and/or lower back pain. It is possible that this pattern is also weakening the function of some people’s liver, heart, and/or lung. Even now near the close of the winter season, the world is watching the Wuhan coronavirus as it spreads in China and beyond. In Chinese tradition, Rat is a symbol for brilliance, deep wisdom and strong new life energy. It has the most honored position of being the very first animal symbol in the Chinese zodiac. Rat brings the power to shake off any old patterns of stagnation to create power and usher in new energy into your life. The Rat is inherently noble and prosperous. Perhaps under the influence of Yang Metal energy, this year brings the potential for double prosperity into our lives? The word for “metal” in Chinese in Jin 金, which we also use to mean gold. (Master Wu)”
In our article 2019 Year of the Yin Earth Pig, we predicted based on prior Earth Pig years “we see the tendency for: severe weather, erratic weather patterns (as in the USA deep freeze of 1899), buildup of tensions with communist/socialist groups and countries, promotion of/use of electric cars, expansion of trade, revolutionary inventions (vulcanized rubber production), etc… JiHai己亥 (Yin Earth Pig) energy suggests that we will have even more dramatic, changing weather patterns in coming year. The extremely dangerous cold that has descended upon the US, from the Midwest to the East Coast, these last several days, is a signal of the upcoming weather craziness this year.
Review the lists below for a more thorough understanding of the past cycles.
(https://www.onthisday.com/events/date/1960, https://worldhistoryproject.org/1960)
- Senator John F. Kennedy, announces his candidacy for the US Presidency
- European Free Trade Association forms in Stockholm (predecessor to the European Union)
- US & Japan sign joint defense treaty
- Capital Airlines Flight 20 crashes in Virginia, killing all 50 people on-board
- US President Eisenhower & Premier Kishi sign US-Japanese Security pact
- Rock falls traps 437 at Coalbrook, South Africa; 417 die of methane poisoning
- Algeria uprises against French president De Gaulle
- Dutch communist trade union EVC’58 disbands
- African National Party is founded in Chad
- students stage 1st civil rights sit-in, at Woolworth’s in Greensboro, North Carolina
- Old handwriting found in at Qumran, near the Dead Sea
- Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom issued an Order-in-Council, stating that she and her family would be known as the House of Windsor, and that her descendants will take the name “Mountbatten-Windsor”
- Chinese army kills 12 Indian soldiers
- France performs 1st nuclear test at Reggane Proving Grounds Algeria
- US nuclear submarine USS Triton set off on underwater round-world trip
- VIII Winter Olympic Games open in Squaw Valley, California
- Protest strike in Poznan, Poland
- Italian government of Segni falls
- Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev voices support for Indonesia
- Oil pipe line from Rotterdam to Ruhrgebied opens
- 9th largest snowfall in NYC history (14.5″)
- Agadir earthquake in Morocco kills a third of the population (12,000-15,000)
- French freighter “La Coubre” explodes in Havana Cuba, killing 100
- The Aquatic Ape Hypothesis originates when Alister Hardy publicly announces his idea that ape-human divergence may have been due to a coastal phase.
- USSR agrees to stop nuclear testing
- 14 die in a train crash in Bakersfield Calif
- US President Eisenhower forms anti-Castro-exile army under the CIA
- Sharpeville Massacre: Police kill 72 in South Africa & outlaws ANC
- 1st guided missile launched from nuclear powered sub (Halibut)
- Iraq executes 30 after attack on President Kassem
- 2nd French atom bomb explodes (Sahara)
- 1st weather satellite launched (TIROS 1)
- Senegal declares independence from France
- US Senate passes Civil Rights Bill with measures against discriminatory voting pracrices
- Brasilia becomes capital of Brazil
- Founding of the Orthodox Bahá’í Faith in Washington, D.C.
- Heavy earthquake strikes South Persia, 500 killed
- 1st submerged circumnavigation of Earth completed by USS submarine Triton in 60 days, 21 hours
- Togo (formerly French Togo) declares independence from French administration
- India’s Bombay state split into Gujarat & Maharashtra states
- Russia shoots down Francis Gary Powers’ U-2 spy plane over Sverdlovsk
- US House of Representatives investigating committee, looking into payola questions
- Leonid Brezhnev replaces Kliment Voroshilov as President of USSR
- USSR & Cuba resume diplomatic relations
- US becomes the first country to legalize the birth control pill
- USSR launch 1st (unmanned) space capsule
- 1st atomic reactor system patented by J W Flora of Canoga Park, California
- Theodore Maiman operates the first optical laser, at Hughes Research Laboratories in Malibu, California
- Tsunami strikes Hilo, Hawaii at 01:04 AM, severely damaging virtually all coastal towns between the 37th and 44th parallels
- 1 millionth Dutch telephone installed
- Federation of Mali and Senegal become independent of France
- Japan signs security treaty with the US
- The independent Somali Democratic Republic, commonly known as Somalia, is formed out of former British and Italian territories
- Fidel Castro nationalizes Esso, Shell & Texaco in Cuba
- USSR shoots down US RB-47 reconnaissance plane
- Belgium sends troops to Congo
- Ivory Coast, Dahomey, Upper Volta and Niger declare independence
- Congo, Chad and Central African Republic declare independence
- USSR’s Sputnik 5 launched with 2 dogs
- Islamabad declared as the federal capital of the Government of Pakistan
- Race riot in Jacksonville, Florida
- -127°F (-88°C), Vostok, Antarctica (world record)
- The first election of the Parliament of the Central Tibetan Administration, in history of Tibet. The Tibetan community observes this date as the Democracy Day.
- Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi-Arabia and Venezuela form the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
- Cuban leader Fidel Castro delivers a 4 hour and 29 minute long speech at the United Nations
- Cyclone hits coast of Gulf of Bengal; about 4000 die
- Hurricane ravages East-Pakistan (6,000 die)
- 1st electronic wrist watch placed on sale, NYC
- Cyclone hits coast of Gulf of Bengal; about 10,000 die
- Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy Appear in First Televised Presidential Debate
- John F. Kennedy is elected President of the United States, defeating Republican candidate Richard Nixon who was the incumbent Vice President
- Coup against South Vietnamese President Ngô Đình Diệm fails
- 2 passenger trains collided at high-speed killing 110 (Czech)
- Belgium threatens to leave UN due to criticism on its policy on Congo
- First atomic reactor for research & development, Richland, Wa
- CBS radio expands hourly news coverage from 5 to 10 minutes
- Black Sunday – Riot in Algiers, 114 die
- The National Liberation Front, better known as the Viet Cong, is officially formed in South Vietnam
- King Saud of Saudi Arabia takes power
(https://www.onthisday.com/events/date/1900, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1900)
- Compulsory education in Netherlands goes into effect
- British protectorates of Northern and Southern Nigeria are established
- John Hay announces the Open Door Policy to promote trade with China.
- Irish leader John Edward Redmond calls for a revolt against British rule
- Boers attack at Ladysmith, about 1,000 killed or injured
- Freeland Colony founded in US (It was meant to serve as a model which would convert the rest of Washington and later the entire continent to socialism. )
- The United States Senate accepts the Anglo-German treaty of 1899 in which the United Kingdom renounces its claims to the Samoan islands, US gains control of Somoa
- The second contingent of Canadian troops sails from Halifax to fight in South Africa against the Boers
- Social Democrat Party of America (Debs’ party) holds 1st convention
- American League organized in Buffalo, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Milwaukee and Minneapolis
- Gubernatorial candidate William Goebel is assassinated in Frankfort, Kentucky
- The United States and the United Kingdom sign treaty for Panama Canal
- Russia responds to international pressure to free Finland by tightening imperial control over the country
- 1st Chinese daily newspaper in US publishes (Chung Sai Yat Po, San Francisco)
- In London, the Trades Union Congress and the Independent Labour Party (formed in 1893) meet, results in a Labour Representative Committee and eventually the modern Labour Party in 1906
- US Steel Corporation organizes
- After a meeting in Indianapolis, USA, a group forms the Social Democratic Party and nominates Eugene Debs as its candidate for President in the forthcoming election (becomes the Socialist Party in 1901)
- In France the length of the working day for women and children is limited by law to 11 hours
- US currency goes on gold standard after Congress passes the Currency Act
- Japan uses its influence over Korea to deny Russia’s efforts to obtain a naval station at Korean Port of Masampo, the lead up to the Russo-Japanese war
- US Socialist Party forms in Indianapolis
- Assassination attempt on Prince of Wales, later British King Edward VII when shot by Jean-Baptiste Sipido in protest over Boer war
- Attempted assassination of Edward Prince of Wales in Brussels, fails
- The US Congress passes the Foraker Act, establishing Puerto Rico as an unincorporated territory (effective 1 May)
- US Post Office issues 1st books of postage stamps
- Casey Jones dies heroically in a train wreck at Vaughn, Mississippi, while driving Cannonball Express (immortalized in”Ballad of Casey Jones”)
- Britain proclaims protectorate over Kingdom of Tonga
- Total solar eclipse occurs
- US troops, along with French and UK troops arrive in Beijing, help put down Boxer Rebellion
- British army occupies Pretoria, South Africa
- US Congress pass an act authorizing a civil code and government for the territory of Alaska after gold discoveries bring lawlessness and disorder to the area
- In China, Boxers destroy the race course in Peking, a few miles from the legations and the center and symbol of diplomatic social life and Western privilege.
- In Germany, the Reichstag pass the second Navy Bill, which calls for doubling the German Navy within 20 years
- In China, Baron von Kettler, the German minister to China, beats two young Boxers with his walking stick; when word of this circulates, rioting and arson spread throughout Peking during the night
- The Young Turks present a manifesto to the major foreign embassies in Constantinople demanding that these foreign powers end the Ottoman Sultan’s rule
- Dutch Social-Democratic Workers’ party & Socialistenbond merge
- Russia mobilizes its army in eastern Siberia preparatory to acting against the Chinese, but also in an attempt to diminish the influence of Japan on the Asian mainland
- Dunhuang manuscripts, including the Diamond Sutra, world’s oldest surviving dated book, discovered by Daoist monk Wang Yuanlu in the Mogao Caves, China
- Japan mobilizes 20,000 troops to help put down the Boxer uprising in China and to advance their long-term interest in gaining land and power in mainland Asia
- The Imperial Chinese Court issues what is essentially a declaration of war against the foreigners in China and blames hostilities on them, giving license to Boxers for even greater ferocity
- Trying to stem the growing popular resentment, Tsar Nicholas of Russia issues a decree that abolishes the banishment of dissidents and troublemakers to Siberia
- The Commonwealth of Australia is established by the British House of Commons
- 114°F (46°C), Basin, Wyoming (state record)
- Pan-African Congress meets in London
- British Parliament passes several progressive social acts: a Mines Act, a Workmen’s Compensation Act and a Railway Act
- Firestone Tire and Rubber Company founded
- In Russia, anti-Jewish riots spread from Odessa into other parts of the country
- An allied expeditionary force, made up of Japanese, Russian, British, French and American troops, sets off from Tientsin for Peking, China, to put down Boxer rebellion
- 1st electric tram in Netherland (Leidseplein-Brouwersgracht)
- The Boxer Rebellion: In China, the Empress, her family and court retainers flee while foreign troops move through Peking in an attempt to quell the rebellion
- Japan’s primary school law is amended to provide for four years of mandatory schooling.
- Telegraph use between Germany & US begins
- 6,000 killed when a hurricane & tidal wave strikes Galveston, Texas
- Philippine-American War: Filipinos under Juan Cailles defeat Americans under Colonel Benjamin F. Cheatham at Mabitac
- In a final confrontation, around 4,000 Ashantis are defeated by the British in the Gold Coast (Ghana)
- 8.3 magnitude earthquake shakes Cape Yakataga, Alaska
- Foreign ministers in Peking begin their first serious negotiations over what conditions their nations will impose on the Chinese after putting down the Boxer uprising
- Under US military control since the end of the Spanish-American War in 1898, Cuba now calls its own constitutional convention
- Republican US President William McKinley and his Vice President, Theodore Roosevelt, defeat Democrat William Jennings Bryan
- France and Italy sign a secret agreement by which Italy recognizes France’s right to exploit Morocco in return for France’s conceding her the same right in Tripol
- New Ellis Island Immigration station completed costing $1.5 million
- Giacobini discovers a comet (will be 1st comet visited by spacecraft)
- As American forces defeat the Filipino insurgents and impose civil authority, some Filipinos form a Federal Party with a platform recognizing US sovereignty
- Foreign powers present the Chinese Empress with their list of ‘irrevocable conditions’ before their nations will withdraw troops from China
- 1st deep sea sounding by James Clark Ross in south Atlantic at 2425 fathoms (14,450 feet)
- Records show 95,820 licensed public houses in England on this date
- The steamship Lexington burns and sinks four miles off the coast of Long Island with the loss of 139 lives
- Dutch King Willem II crowned
- American naval expedition under Charles Wilkes is first to identify Antarctica as a new continent
- First Governor of New Zealand and co-author of the Treaty of Waitangi Captain William Hobson arrives in the Bay of Islands, NZ
- The Treaty of Waitangi is signed between 40 Māori Chiefs (later signed by 500) and representatives of the British crown in Waitangi, New Zealand. The treaty was designed to share sovereignty between the two groups.
- Foundation stone for new Palace of Westminster, London, laid by Sarah Barry wife of its architect Charles Barry
- “Penny Black”, the world’s first adhesive postage stamp issued by Great Britain
- Thomas Carlyle begins his famous lecture series “The Hero as Divinity”, later collected in his book “On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History”
- Tornado strikes Natchez, Mississippi, kills 317
- The transporting of British convicts to the New South Wales colony is abolished
- Captain William Hobson proclaims British sovereignty over New Zealand; the North Island by treaty and the South Island by ‘discovery’
- Meteorite hits Uden, Netherlands
- Samuel Morse patents his telegraph
- The Cunard Line’s 700 ton wooden paddle steamer RMS Britannia departs from Liverpool bound for Halifax, Nova Scotia on the first transatlantic crossing with a scheduled end
- Labourer slaves in most of the British Empire are emancipated
- Willem I resigns as king of Netherlands
- Maronite leader Bashir II surrenders to the British forces and goes into exile in Malta
- William Henry Harrison elected the 9th President of the United States of America
- Napoleon Bonaparte receives a French state funeral in Paris 19 years after his death
2019 Year of the Yin Earth Pig

We began the transition from the year of the Yang Earth Dog in January 2019, with the year of the Yin Earth Pig/Boar beginning February 4th 2019. This is also the “real” first day of spring, the commonly accepted Western first day of spring March 20th is actually the peak of spring, each day after we transition towards Summer.
Pigs are diligent, compassionate, and generous. They have great concentration, once they set a goal, they will devote all their energy to achieving it. Pigs never suspect trickery, and are susceptible to being fooled.
Pigs are fairly calm when faced with trouble. No matter how difficult the problems are, they can handle things properly and carefully.
Master Zhongxian Wu states, “in China, the pig is a symbol of relaxation, caution, bravery, knowledge and faith. Chinese parents are happy to have babies born during the year of the Pig, as they believe the children will be blessed with an easy going personality, great intelligence and will grow to have a rich, noble life. (https://bluewillow88.wordpress.com/2019/02/08/xinniankuaile/)”
2019 being a Yin Earth Pig year is very interesting, given that Earth and Pigs are also Yin. This will magnify the traits of being: reflective, gathering, patience, waiting, being resourceful, etc… Earth also represents hidden potential, silence, retreat, passiveness. “Even though the earth is a great supplier, it does so silently. Human life does not go on forever (nothing does); sooner or later it will reach an end. This is a fact. Nobody should feel sad or regretful, because it cannot be prevented. Instead people should develop an attitude of confronting and dealing with an ending or stopping. But human nature favors startings and rejects endings, celebrates developings and regrets sustainings. Why must this be so, when much goodness can be derived from a stop?… The principle of withdrawal and how one utilizes it can work in favor of one’s objectives and constitute a great wisdom. Therefore, cultivating an attitude of withdrawal is beneficial… (Dr. Chang,Integral Management of Tao )”
The pig represents the end of the Chinese animal zodiac cycle, and earth, as stated above also represents and ending. Pig years are a great time to reflect on the lessons of the prior years, and making preparations for the new cycle which will occur in 2020.
Earth pig years are a great time for prosperity, being fortunate and lucky, however, it is important to balance this out with proper mindfulness as to not become greedy—fat, lazy etc…
This is a great year to get your personal and business finances in order and to come up with plans to reduce debt and increase savings/investments.
In our article 2018 Year of the Yang Earth Dog, we predicted based on prior Earth Dog years that “Nationally and globally, there is the potential for things to be “all over the place”, however, usually the nature of the Earth will calm down the tendency for the dog to fight for control, dominance or power. Prior Dog years saw expansion and innovation of space exploration, and also saw buildups to military conflict in the Middle East and Cuba, Spain, South Africa etc… Nuclear issues became a major concern in 1958 with the buildup of arsenals and several accidents involving nuclear weapons.”
When we examine prior Earth Pig years we see the tendency for: severe weather, erratic weather patterns (as in the USA deep freeze of 1899), buildup of tensions with communist/socialist groups and countries, promotion of/use of electric cars, expansion of trade, revolutionary inventions (vulcanized rubber production), etc… “JiHai 己亥 (Yin Earth Pig) energy suggests that we will have even more dramatic, changing weather patterns in coming year. The extremely dangerous cold that has descended upon the US, from the Midwest to the East Coast, these last several days, is a signal of the upcoming weather craziness this year. (Master Wu)”
Review the lists below for a more thorough understanding of the past cycles.
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1959, https://www.onthisday.com/events/date/1959, http://www.fsmitha.com/time/1959.htm)
- Cuba: Fulgencio Batista flees Havana when the forces of Fidel Castro advance.
- The Soviet Union successfully launches the Luna 1 spacecraft from Baikonur Cosmodrome.
- Alaska is admitted as the 49th U.S. state.
- In Cuba, rebel troops led by Che Guevara and Camilo Cienfuegos enter the city of Havana.
- The United States recognizes the new Cuban government of Fidel Castro.
- Charles de Gaulle is inaugurated as the first president of the French Fifth Republic.
- Cuban communists execute 71 supporters of Fulgencio Batista.
- The European Court of Human Rights is established.
- Knox Mine Disaster: Water breaches the River Slope Mine in Port Griffith, Pennsylvania near Pittston, Pennsylvania; 12 miners are killed.
- Pope John XXIII announces that the Second Vatican Council will be convened in Rome.
- Walt Disney releases his 16th animated film, Sleeping Beauty in Beverly Hills.
- A referendum in Switzerland turns down female suffrage.
- A chartered plane transporting musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper with pilot Roger Peterson goes down in foggy conditions near Clear Lake, Iowa, killing all four on board.
- At Cape Canaveral, Florida, the first successful test firing of a Titan intercontinental ballistic missile is accomplished.
- Vanguard 2, the first weather satellite, is launched to measure cloud cover for the United States Navy.
- The United Kingdom decides to grant independence to Cyprus.
- Mattel‘s Barbie doll debuts in the United States.
- The Dalai Lama is granted asylum in India.
- National People’s Congress elects Liu Shaoqi as Chairman of the People’s Republic of China, as a successor of Mao Zedong.
- USA Florida, Cape Canaveral: Jupiter AM-18 launches two monkeys, Miss Able and Miss Baker, into space along with living microorganisms and plant seeds. Successful recovery makes them the first living beings to return safely to Earth after space flight.
- Groups of Kurdish and communist militias rebel in Kirkuk, Iraq against the central government.
- Hawaii is admitted as the 50th U.S. state.
- Typhoon Vera hits central Honshū, Japan, as a 160 mph Category 5 storm, killing an estimated 5,098, injuring another 38,921, and leaving 1,533,000 homeless. Most of the victims and damage are centered in the Nagoya area.
- The Declaration of the Rights of the Child is adopted by the United Nations.
- Cold War – Antarctic Treaty: 12 countries, including the United States and the Soviet Union, sign a landmark treaty that sets aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve and bans military activity on the continent (the first arms control agreement established during the Cold War).
- The Workers World Party is founded by Sam Marcy.
- The Caspian tiger becomes extinct in Iran.
- The Henney Kilowatt goes on sale in the United States, becoming the first mass-produced electric car in almost three decades.
(https://www.onthisday.com/events/date/1899, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1899_in_the_United_States, https://worldhistoryproject.org/1899)
- Cuba liberated from Spanish rule by the US, American occupation continues till 1902
- 1st known use of the word “automobile”, appears in an editorial in The New York Times
- Lynmouth Lifeboat rescues 18 people from the stricken schooner Forest Hall off the coast of Devon
- US takes possession of Wake Island in the Pacific
- Opel manufactures its first automobile
- Leaders of six Australian colonies meet in Melbourne to discuss confederation
- Emilio Aguinaldo is sworn in as President of the First Philippine Republic
- Rubber heel for boots or shoes patented by American Humphrey O’Sullivan
- American Social Science Association incorporated by Congress
- The Philippine-American War begins with fighting between American and Philippine revolutionary forces
- Spanish-American War ends, peace treaty ratified by Senate
- Feb deep freeze:
- -15°F (-26°C), Washington, D.C. (district record)
- -39°F (-39°C), Milligan, Ohio (state lowest record temperature)
- -61°F, Montana (record low temperature)
- -47°F (-44°C), Camp Clarke, Nebraska (state record)
- -1°F (-18°C) New Orleans, La
- -16°F (-27°C), Minden Louisiana (state record)
- -2°F (-19°C) Tallahassee, Florida (state record)
- President of France Félix Faure dies in office.
- George Dewey becomes 1st in US to hold the rank of Admiral of the Navy
- Cyclone Mahina sweeps in north of Cooktown, Queensland, with a 12 m wave that reaches up to 5 km inland – over 300 dead.
- “Aspirin” (acetylsalicylic acid) patented by Felix Hoffmann at German company Bayer
- Windsor luxury hotel in NYC catches fire, 92 die
- Treaty of Paris ratifies ends war; Spain cedes Puerto Rico to US
- Ernest Rutherford publishes his discovery of two different kinds of radiation (Alpha and Beta Particles)
- First speeding infraction by a New York cabbie driving an electric car – 12mph down Lexington Street
- National Brotherhood of Electrical Workers forms
- Gideon Society established to place bibles in hotels
- The First Hague Convention is signed.
- 8.3 earthquake shakes Yakutat Bay Alaska
- British government sends an additional 10,000 troops to Natal, South Africa
- 2nd quake in 7 days (8.6) hits Yakutat Bay Alaska
- African-American inventor Issac R. Johnson patents the bicycle frame
- South African Boers declare war on Great Britain
- Morning Post reporter Winston Churchill captured by Boers in Natal
- 1st case of plague on Oahu, Hawaii
- British fleet seizes German Imperial Mail Steamer Bundesrath accused of carrying contraband
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1839, https://www.onthisday.com/events/date/1839)
- 1st photo of the Moon (French photographer Louis Daguerre)
- Daguerreotype photo process announced at French Academy of Science
- Thomas Henderson measures 1st stellar parallax (Alpha Centauri)
- Tea from India 1st arrives in UK
- Earthquake at Martinique destroys half of Port Royal – 700 die
- Anthracite coal 1st used to smelt iron, Mauch Chunk, Penn
- Aden conquered by British East India Company
- Battle of Yungay, Chile defeats a Peruvian and Bolivian alliance
- Charles Darwin elected Fellow of the Royal Society
- Aroostoock (or “Pork & Beans) War: Boundary dispute between Maine & New Brunswick
- US Congress prohibits dueling in District of Columbia
- Steam shovel patented by William Otis, Philadelphia
- Prussian government limits work week for children to 51 hours
- Treaty of London constitutes Belgium an independent kingdom & Luxembourg a Grand Duchy
- Hawaiian Declaration of Rights is signed
- King of Hawaii Kamehameha III issues Edict of toleration which gives Roman Catholics freedom to worship in the Hawaiian Islands. The Hawaii Catholic Church and the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace is later established
- Abdul-Medjid succeeds Mahmud II as Sultan of Turkey
- Slaves aboard a Spanish schooner La Amistad revolt to secure their freedom while being transported from one Cuban port to another
- British capture Hong Kong from China
- The First Opium War begins in China
- Cherokee Nation unites and ratifies constitution at Tahlequah, Oklahoma
- Great fire in New York
- British troops under General Charles Napier occupy Beirut
- Cyclone slams south eastern India with high winds and a 40 foot storm surge, destroying city of Coringa. Storm waves sweep inland, destroying 20,000 ships and killing an estimated 300,000 people
- In the United States, the first state law permitting women to own property is passed in Jackson, Mississippi.
- The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, backed by the Russian Empire and the Austrian Empire, compels July Monarchy France to abandon Muhammad Ali of Egypt, and forces him to return Syria and Arabia to the Ottoman Empire.
- Emperor Minh Mạng renames Việt Nam to Đại Nam.
- Charles Goodyear vulcanizes rubber.
2018 Year of the Yang Earth Dog
The transition from the year of the Yin Fire Rooster began January 2018, with the year of the Yang Earth Dog beginning February 4th 2018. This is also the “real” first day of spring, the commonly accepted Western first day of spring March 20th this year is actually the peak of spring, each day after we transition towards Summer.
What traits come to mind when you think of a dog: loyalty, courage, playfulness, protector, hunter, intelligence, empathy, leadership (alpha), stubborn, etc… In Taoism the Earth element represents: retreat, passiveness, silence. Even though the earth is a great supplier it does so silently. This being a Yang year will amplify the nature of the Dog, however, the Earth will help temper the potential to exaggerate these traits.
Master Wu stated: “According to Chinese cosmology, the Earth Dog Year of 2018 will start on LiChun立春, February 4 at 05:28 (Beijing time), while Chinese New Year’s day this year will be February 16… For this coming energetic year, the Dog animal sign (Earthly Branch) indicates that the specific energetic qualities of nature associated with the Dog (such as intuitive, smart, artistic, cautious, social, honest, loyal, uneasy, evasive, or stubborn energy) will exert their influences on us human beings.
When properly harnessed, Dog energy will help you channel your truthful and creative nature towards completing tasks and striving to achieve your life’s greatest goals.
Left unchecked, Dog energy can easily trap you in some physical or emotional obstacle(s) that will make it virtually impossible to get anything done. (Master Zhongxian Wu)”
Earth Dog years are usually a good time to make progress on your goals, setup security etc… Be wary of the tendency to lash out quickly, temper your bark and bite or things could escalate quickly. Nurture the good attributes of the dog; this is not the time to be a rogue wolf, team building with the pack will ensure success.
Nationally and globally, there is the potential for things to be “all over the place”, however, usually the nature of the Earth will calm down the tendency for the dog to fight for control, dominance or power.
Prior Dog years saw expansion and innovation of space exploration, and also saw buildups to military conflict in the Middle East and Cuba, Spain, South Africa etc… Nuclear issues became a major concern in 1958 with the buildup of arsenals and several accidents involving nuclear weapons.
Let’s look at three prior Earth Dog years 1958, 1898 and 1838:
- The European Economic Community (EEC) comes into being.
- Sputnik 1 (launched on October 4, 1957) falls to Earth from its orbit and burns up.
- 14-year-old Bobby Fischer wins the United States Chess Championship.
- The Moroccan Army of Liberation ambushes a Spanish patrol in the Battle of Edchera.
- In the Battle of Hayes Pond, armed Lumbee Indians routed a gathering of Klansmen in Maxton, North Carolina.
- Soviet-American executive agreement on cultural, educational and scientific exchanges, also known as the “Lacy–Zarubin agreement”, is signed in Washington, D.C.
- Godtfred Kirk Christiansen files a patent for the iconic plastic Lego brick. From its foundation, his company will make 400 billion Lego elements.
- The first successful American satellite, Explorer 1, is launched into orbit.
- Egypt and Syria unite to form the United Arab Republic.
- The Tybee Bomb, a 7,600 pound (3,500 kg) Mark 15 hydrogen bomb, is lost in the waters off Savannah, Georgia.
- Seven Manchester United footballers are among the 21 people killed in the Munich air disaster in West Germany
- The strongest ever known solar maximum is recorded.
- The Hashemite Kingdoms of Iraq and Jordan unite in the Arab Federation with King Faisal II of Iraq as head of state.
- Cuban rebels kidnap five-time world driving champion Juan Manuel Fangio, releasing him 28 hours later.
- In Cuba, Fidel Castro‘s Radio Rebelde begins broadcasting from Sierra Maestra.
- One of the worst school bus accidents in U.S. history occurs at Prestonburg, Kentucky; 27 are killed.
- A U.S. B-47 bomber accidentally drops an atom bomb on Mars Bluff, South Carolina.
- Nikita Khrushchev becomes Premier of the Soviet Union.
- Unemployment in Detroit reaches 20%, marking the height of the Recession of 1958 in the United States.
- Castro‘s revolutionary army begins its attacks on Havana.
- In the first protest march for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament from Hyde Park, London to Aldermaston, Berkshire, demonstrators demand the banning of nuclear weapons.
- United Airlines Flight 736 is involved in a mid-air collision with a U.S. Air Force F-100F jet fighter near Las Vegas.
- French Algerian protesters seize government offices in Algiers, leading to a military coup.
- The Soviet Union launches Sputnik 3.
- The bodies of unidentified United States soldiers killed in action during World War II and the Korean War are buried at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery.
- United States President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs the Alaska Statehood Act into law.
- 1958 Lituya Bay megatsunami: A 7.8 Mw strike-slip earthquake in Southeast Alaska causes a landslide that produces a megatsunami. The runup from the waves reaches 525 m (1,722 ft) on the rim of Lituya Bay.
- The first parking meters are installed in Britain.
- July 14 Revolution in Iraq. King Faisal is killed. Abdul Qassim assumes power.
- In Lebanon, 5,000 United States Marines land in the capital Beirut in order to protect the pro-Western government there.
- The U.S. Congress formally creates the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
- The Tibetan resistance movement against rule by China receives support from the United States Central Intelligence Agency.
- Operation Argus: The United States begins nuclear tests over the South Atlantic.
- The first Cod War begins between the United Kingdom and Iceland.
- Jack Kilby invents the first integrated circuit while working at Texas Instruments.
- Hurricane Helene, the worst storm of the North Atlantic hurricane season, reaches category 4 status.
- The U.S.S.R. performs a nuclear test at Novaya Zemlya.
- Beginning of Great Chinese Famine.
- The Life Peerages Act entitles women to sit in the British House of Lords for the first time.
- The United States launches SCORE, the world’s first communications satellite.
- New York City annexes land from surrounding counties, creating the City of Greater New York as the world’s second largest. The city is geographically divided into five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx and Staten Island.
- The electric car belonging to Henry Lindfield of Brighton rolls out of control down a hill in Purley, London, England, and hits a tree; thus he becomes the world’s first fatality from an automobile accident on a public highway.
- Spanish–American War: The USS Maine explodes and sinks in Havana Harbor, Cuba, for reasons never fully established, killing 266 men. The event precipitates the United States’ declaration of war on Spain.
- Annie Oakley promotes the service of women in combat situations, with the United States military.
- Thousands of Chinese scholars, and Beijing citizens seeking reforms, protest in front of the capital control yuan.
- Bava-Beccaris massacre: Hundreds of demonstrators are killed, when General Fiorenzo Bava-Beccaris orders troops to fire on a rally in Milan, Italy.
- Spanish–American War: The Puerto Rican Campaign begins, with the Bombardment of San Juan.
- Secondo Pia takes the first photographs of the Shroud of Turin, and discovers that the image on the Shroud itself appears to be a photographic negative.
- The British government arranges a 99-year rent of Hong Kong from China.
- Spanish–American War: The United States captures Guam, making it the first U.S. overseas territory.
- Curtis Act of 1898 which would lead to the dissolution of tribal and communal lands in Indian Territory and ultimately the creation of the State of Oklahoma in 1907.
- Spanish–American War – Battle of San Juan Hill: United States troops (including Buffalo Soldiers and Theodore Roosevelt‘s Rough Riders) take a strategic position close to Santiago de Cuba from the Spanish.
- Spanish–American War – Battle of Santiago de Cuba: The United States Navy destroys the Spanish Navy‘s Caribbean Squadron.
- American pharmacist Caleb Bradham names his soft drink Pepsi-Cola.
- Italian anarchist Luigi Lucheni assassinates Empress Elisabeth of Austria in Geneva, as an act of propaganda of the deed.
- Battle of Sugar Point: Ojibwe tribesmen defeat U.S. government troops, in northern Minnesota.
- A two-day blizzard known as the Portland Gale piles snow in Boston, severely impacting the Massachusetts fishing industry, and several coastal New England towns.
- December 10 – The Treaty of Paris is signed, ending the Spanish–American War.
- As a result of the merger of several small oil companies, John D. Rockefeller‘s Standard Oil Company controls 84% of the USA’s oil, and most American pipelines.
- Theodore Roosevelt Elected Governor of New York
- A fire destroys Lloyd’s Coffee House and the Royal Exchange in London.
- At Morristown, New Jersey, Samuel F.B. Morse, Alfred Vail and Leonard D. Gale give the first public demonstration of Morse’s new invention, the telegraph.
- Boer explorer Piet Retief and 60 of his men are massacred by King Dingane kaSenzangakhona of the Zulu people, after Retief accepts an invitation to celebrate the signing of a treaty, and his men willingly disarm as a show of good faith.
- A combination of rain and melting snow cause the Danube River to overflow its banks, washing away villages in western Hungary, and inundating what is now Budapest. More than 150 people are drowned, and Europe’s nations come to Hungary’s aid, to prevent the spread of famine and disease.
- Isambard Kingdom Brunel‘s paddle steamer SS Great Western (1838) makes the transatlantic crossing to New York from Avonmouth, England, in 15 days, inaugurating a regular steamship service.
- The People’s Charter is drawn up in the United Kingdom, demanding universal suffrage.
- Lord Durham and his entourage arrive in Upper Canada, to investigate the cause of the 1837 rebellion in that province
- Trail of Tears: The Cherokee Nation is forcibly relocated in the United States.
- Myall Creek massacre: 28 Indigenous Australians are killed.
- The coronation of Queen Victoria takes place at Westminster Abbey in London.
- Former slaves in Jamaica are freed of their indentures.
- Pastry War: Mexico is invaded by French forces.
- Battle of Blood River: The Boers win a decisive victory over the Zulus.
- First Anglo-Afghan War: British and Presidency armies set out from Punjab, in support of Shah Shujah Durrani‘s claim to the throne of Afghanistan.
- Missouri Mormon War
5 tips to have this year be your best year ever
Every year, many people, before or after the ball drops and the fireworks end, make several “New Year’s resolutions”. Usually, people carry over unresolved items from the prior year. Others come up with a list that is so unattainable that it practically guarantees they will not be achieved. If you are not involved in Cancer research or the health-care field what are the odds that you will cure Cancer? If you are not an astronaut, forget about walking on the moon as well.
Another mistake people make is having plans that do not personally affect them or others. It’s more like a “wish list”, and for others it’s a “look good” list.
- Goals: As mentioned above, create goals that are realistic and attainable, however, do not pick goals that you are guaranteed of attaining either. If you know you are getting a promotion this month, then do not have that as a goal. Make sure you write your goals down and tell someone what they are. We all need someone to help hold us accountable. This is important: write down 6 month, 2 year and 5 year goals, as explained in the article, Attitude of Heaven: Taoist method of planning & attaining goals, then review those goals monthly and make any revisions that are necessary.
- Community: Make friends with or join groups of like minded people. Let’s say you want to lose weight, it is going to be much easier to do so with a group of people who also want to lose weight. Even better, make sure you know people who are already their “ideal” weight. Want to quit smoking, have friends that already quit and those that never smoked. The flip side of this coin is that you also need to distance yourself from those people that do not reflect your goals, or the new you that you are creating/enhancing.
- Activities: Actively participate in things that are going to help your goals/mission. Avoid things that are just going to take up your time, waste your energy and distract you from your mission and goals.
- Discipline/Honesty: Benjamin Franklin is credited with saying that “the early bird gets the worm”. Sometimes the difference between success and failure is not being willing to change. Often times people complain that they just do not have enough time to exercise, how do I find time to cook, meditate, go for walks etc…. After hearing this, ask them (or yourself), did you watch TV today, what time did you wake up etc…? Consider that the average American under 65 watches an average of 5 hours of TV every day, if your over 65 its closer to 7 hours per day (Cross-Platform Report). Imagine how much extra time you would have if you cut back to 4 hours per day. How about waking up 30 minutes earlier? Now you have an extra 1.5 hours in your day, and that is after only adjusting TV viewing and the time you wake up.
- Be honest with yourself. We all know if we need to lose weight, drink too much, are eating too much, not as healthy as we could be etc… Perhaps, resolve to not buy larger sizes, if those clothes are getting tight, time to put down the remote and do some internal exercise. Stop going to those fast food and chain restaurants, not only will your health improve, you will also save money.
- Invest in loss: Lao Tzu stated that in order to gain we must first be willing to lose. You will make mistakes, you will forget, the important thing is that you keep going. We have all heard that the best thing to do after falling off the horse….is to get back on it. So what if you have been trying to do something for the last few years and have not done it yet. Thomas Edison failed between 700-10,000 times (depending on who you ask) before finding the correct method for the light bulb. When asked he said, I did not fail, I simply found “X” number of ways it will not work.
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Do you have a story, photo or video from your area that would be of interest to Taoists? Feel free to email and they may be included or featured in a Taoism article.
Who were the three kings/wise men of the Orient?
Many of you may be familiar with the classic Christmas carol “We Three Kings of Orient Are”, some may be listening to it now, and yes, some may be tired of hearing it.
Let’s re-examine a mystery that has never been fully addressed or adequately answered: Who are these three wise men, and where did they come from?
Many people assume the wise men traveled from Persia (Iran), Jordan, Arabia, or some other location not too far from Bethlehem, but just far enough to be considered a distant travel. This of course, has more to do with the ethnocentric views of most of the religious beliefs in the Judeo/Christian ethos. Anything of importance, came from a particular region and only that region. Therefore, the three wise men must have been from the greater “holy land” region or at least within the “Middle East”.
There are a few sources of information that show us, in all likelihood, where the men came from , and who they were. We will use the following sources to delve into the matter: Lyrics to the Christmas carol “We three kings of Orient are”, King James bible, and knowledge of Taoism and ancient Chinese history.
The first verse of the song states: “We three kings of Orient are, Bearing gifts we traverse afar, Field and fountain, moor and mountain, Following yonder star.” It is interesting to note that the Orient always referred to the Middle East and China, in particular China. When one thinks of the terms Orient and Oriental, the images that come to mind are distinctly “Asian” and most likely Chinese. This verse also mentions traveling a great distance; past mountains, fields, fountains and moors. Literally, traveling through different climates and vast terrains. This could also be a description of the “Silk Road”, which went from China to Palestine and on to Europe, and other routes, both sea and land.
The second verse “O star of wonder, star of night…”, shows that these wise men had expert celestial and astronomical knowledge. Yes, Persia did contain great scientists, however, to this day, no-one has matched the detail and precision of the ancient Chinese/Taoist star charts. Even our modern day GPS and star maps are based on the ancient Chinese charts and the Taoist system. “Star with royal beauty bright”, the Taoists observed that every time a “great person” was born, there would be a corresponding unusual celestial activity, usually a very bright star would appear, over the location of the birth. The ancient Chinese records, are filled with these recordings, not only of Imperial concerns, but also of births of other “great people”. According to Dr. Stephen Chang in “The Great Tao”:
“During the Han Dynasty …Astronomers were assigned to watch the skies twenty four hours a day. The star that appeared upon Jesus’ birth would have been looked upon as a birth of a great man.” He goes on to recount a story “…recorded by the Han Dynasty historians…of the indisputable accuracy of the observations made by those astronomers. One night, an astronomer sat watching the stars of the Emperor Kuang Wu and his visiting friend Yan Tse-Ling, who was sleeping with the Emperor that night. The astronomer was shocked to find that the brightness of Yan Tse-Ling’s star covered that of the Emperor’s. Suspecting that Yan Tse-Ling was an assassin, the astronomer ran through the halls of the palace in a panic to report that the Emperor was in danger. Just then another astronomer who had taken over the vigil of the heavens observed that the stars had separated and the brightness of Yan’s star had diminished, and he reported this. When the Emperor arose from sleep…the incidence of the stars was relayed to him. The Emperor laughed and said that Yan Tse-Ling, while asleep, had accidentally placed his leg over him.”
“Westward leading, still proceeding…”, clearly shows the wise men came from the East and traveled West, through a well defined course or road.
The song also features the gifts of the wise men: Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. Many cultures used these three items for different purposes, however, only one used all three, and (according to Dr. Stephen Chang’s research) only one used all three for healing purposes! China and the Taoists. The verse regarding Myrrh, “…breathes of life of gathering gloom, sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying…” is a very poetic way of listing the healing qualities of this herb. It can be used to restore life, reverse bleeding, heal wounds, take away sorrow, sighing etc… as well as many other uses. There is also an ancient Taoist formula called Royal Jade Cream which contains these healing herbs, one such use is after child birth to help the mother heal, among many more.
Let’s jump forward to the verse “…Earth and Heaven replies”, throughout China’s history they have always been regarded as the “Middle Kingdom”, and both the Chinese Emperors and the Taoists saw it as their duty to maintain the balance between the three dimensions of Heaven, Earth and Humanity. Thus a well trained Taoist could elicit a response from both Heaven and Earth, or help restore balance between the realms.
There a few other important facts we will examine in this article, we only have room for a few as a detailed investigation would easily fill an entire volume.
Given their role as the maintainers of balance in the Middle Kingdom, the Chinese Emperors would frequently send emissaries and ambassadors throughout the lands (and seas), to announce new policies, procedures and more often to announce a new Emperor. It was important for other countries to know this, as it would be very disrespectful, to send your tribute in the name of the wrong Emperor, and most of the world at one time or another always paid tribute to China.
If we use the modern dating system to attempt to locate the actual year of Jesus’ birth, we arrive at a very interesting crossroad. His birth occurs around the exact time China was transitioning from one Emperor to another. Emperor Ai (Han Dynasty) ruled from approx. 7 BCE-1 BCE, and Emperor Ping (Han Dynasty) reigned from 1 BCE – 5 CE. Emperor Ai died childless and passed the throne over to his cousin. The fact that one Emperor died and a new Emperor was enthroned, would have caused China to send delegations far and wide to announce this “news of most importance”. The Silk Road would have been one of many routes chosen.
Let’s examine what the Bible says regarding the three wise men. First, in all actuality, there were more than three people, this number is given as an estimate since the story mentions three gifts, therefore, three men must have given them.
An interesting fact arises, when we examine the Bible verses, it becomes apparent that it was impossible for the “wise men” to arrive at or shortly after his birth, but definitely not in the “manger scene”. Luke 2: 22-39, shows that Jesus was brought to Jerusalem to be dedicated at the temple and at this time he was glorified by several people, including Simeon and Anna, this occurs after the traditional manger story. Matthew 2: 11: “And when they [wise men] were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother…” Clearly they found Jesus in his home, not in a manger or stable, and he was a child not a baby. Matthew 2: 16: “Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men.” Herod ordered the murder of every child under the age of two, because the wise men estimated his age to between 1-2 years old. Thus the wise men traveled for approximately 2 years before arriving in Judea. Surely King Herod would have been informed of the new Emperor of the Middle Kingdom as well as the “great birth” in his own land.
This is most interesting, as the journey from China to Palestine (in ancient times), was approximately two years! Therefore it is most plausible that the wise men/Taoists departed China shortly after Jesus’ birth and arrived when he was approximately two years old. Also, consider the fact that another name for the wise men, were Magi, and another name for the Taoists with regards to western observers, were Magi.
Given this information let’s review why the three wise men were most likely Taoists from China:
- Only the Taoists used (and still use), Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh in a combination for healing purposes.
- Taoists had the awareness and scientific discoveries to understand the correlation between celestial/astronomical occurrences coinciding with the birth or death of “great people”.
- Taoists had the celestial and terrestrial maps required for determining the exact location of the star over its earthly location.
- Taoists and China had an established trade route and had expertise traveling great distances farther than any other civilization.
- Jesus’ birth coincides with the death of a Chinese Emperor and the delegations sent to announce the new Emperor.
- The three wise men met first with King Herod, whom he learned of Jesus’ birth from, this initial meeting with the King is consistent with an official Imperial visit from China.
- Palestine, Judea, Rome, Arabia, Egypt etc… had well established trade with China.
- As mentioned in a previous article, Jesus’ teachings were more similar to Taoist understanding and principles than they were to teachings from his native born area.
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What are you really so busy doing?
Occasionally, your National Taoism Examiner encounters a person who is (to say the least) overburdened with their constant activity-work and general “busy-ness”. We all know someone like this; the type of person who is constantly busy; going here, going there, multi-tasking, on a conference call while driving, networking when they take their child to see the doctor, etc…
Many people scoff at the person who has their phone permanently attached to their face, and forever updating their contacts on their comings and goings. Perhaps, you or someone close to you is this person!
Curiosity may cause one to ponder, what are they so busy doing? If you ask them, how or what they are doing, or if you can have a moment of their time, they will surely reply with “sorry, busy-so very busy, I will be back-soon”. Of course, when they are back, they are often quickly engaged in another activity.
This type of person is always working; “… [they] work when they are working, works when he exercises and more often than not, works when he plays. (The Tao of Pooh)” Mr. Hoff could have easily added, that this type of person even turns a vacation into work. When this person is at Disney World for example, they are busy scheduling fast passes and then running around the park to be at each precise location by a certain time—open the park, close the park, next morning start all over again. You say to them, wait let’s slow down a little, and they respond, “sorry, I can’t I am on vacation, got things to do and see, I am so busy, not enough time to rest”. When they return home they need a vacation from their vacation, but no rest for them, because then they are busy at work and with their life, don’t you know.
For this person, exercise becomes a grueling activity (workout); where the benefits are achieved with excessive, harsh movements that are repeated over and over again, never stopping, always in pursuit of the ever unachievable goal.
When is enough enough, for the person that is always busy? When a person says, “Carpe Diem, do they really mean seize the day, live life to the fullest?” What if Carpe Diem leads one to a different type of seizing, as in the heart stopping? What if living life to the fullest, causes one to die early or become ravaged with illness and disease? Was it worth it? Is the constant stress of being busy, worth the “reward” that is fleeting and will not last anyway? What is the point of being the top CEO in your prime only to have your memory and mind taken away from you when you are still in your 60’s?
How would they feel if they are told that a more literal translation of Carpe Diem actually means to “enjoy the day, to enjoy the moment”?
In the Tao of Pooh, Benjamin Hoff quotes Chuang-tse:
“There was a man who disliked seeing his footprints and his shadow. He decided to escape from them, and began to run. But as he ran along, more footprints appeared, while his shadow easily kept up with him. Thinking he was going too slowly, he ran faster and faster without stopping, until he finally collapsed from exhaustion and died. If he had stood still, there would have been no footprints. If he had rested in the shade, his shadow would have disappeared.”
Let us all pause for a moment, breathe deeply and sip some tea. Then take out your schedule book or open that calendar app, and make time in your schedule first thing each morning, once in the afternoon and then again before bedtime—to breathe deeply, stretch, practice the internal exercises, go for a walk in the park, smell the flowers, watch the birds or close your eyes and listen to the birds sing, etc… Schedule time for tea instead of coffee and cigarettes.
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Do you have a story, photo or video from your area that would be of interest to Taoists? Feel free to email (TJ@theQiInstitute.com) and they may be included or featured in a National Taoism Examiner article.
Chuang tzu’s advice on recognizing the true nature of things
In a recent article “Unraveling the mysterious and misunderstood concept of P’u”, we examined how the true meaning of P’u is not the uncarved block, rather it is the ideal of remaining or returning to a state of untouched naturalness. The trees of an uncut forest.
Now we will reflect on what Chuang tzu had to say about the true nature of things, and how to observe things as they are. For lack of a better name lets call this the story of “the ugly tree or the tree on the mountain”:
“Hui-tse [a woodcutter/lumberjack] said to [Chuang tzu], ‘I have a large tree which no carpenter can cut into lumber. Its branches and trunk are crooked and tough, covered with bumps and depressions. No builder would turn his head to look at it. Your teachings are the same—useless, without value. Therefore, no one pays attention to them.’
‘As you know,’ [Chuang tzu] replied, ‘a cat is very skilled at capturing its prey. Crouching low, it can leap in any direction, pursuing whatever it is after. But when its attention is focused on such things, it can be easily caught with a net. On the other hand, a huge yak it not easily caught or overcome. It stands like a stone, or a cloud in the sky. But for all its strength, it cannot catch a mouse.’
‘You complain that your tree is not valuable as lumber. But you could make use of the shade it provides, rest under its sheltering branches, admiring its sheltering branches, and stroll beneath it, admiring its character and appearance. Since it would not be endangered by an ax, what could threaten its existence? It is useless to you only because you want to make it into something else and do not use it in its proper way. (The Tao of Pooh)”
After this incident Chuang tzu left the mountain and spent the night at a friends house. The friend, honored by his visit, asks one of the servants to cook a goose. The servant wanted to know if he should kill the goose that cackles or the one that cannot, the friend responded with “the one that cannot cackle”.
Later on Chuang tzu’s students were perplexed by this apparent paradox and asked their teacher, “yesterday you said the tree in the mountains would live out its years because it was useless. Now the goose in your friends house was killed because it was useless. Which would you prefer, to be useful or to be useless?
“[Chuang tzu] laughed and said, ‘If I were to say that I would prefer to be in the intermediate position between being useful and being useless, that might seem to the right position. But it is not, for we will not be able to avoid difficulties. One who follows the virtue of the dao [Tao] is free of difficulties. He is above praise or condemnation, moves like a dragon or a snake, and is transformed with the ongoing changes of the times without being fixed upon on thing. Now high and now low, he is in harmony with all and with the origin of all things. He presides over all things while nothing can preside over him. How could there be then any difficulties? This is the path of Shennong and the Yellow Emperor. But it is different in the world of things and varying practices of human relations. Union brings separation; becoming, passing away; sharp corners, the use of a file; honour, disparagement; activity, failure; knowledge, plotting; inability, contempt. Where is constancy to be found?…in the dao [Tao] and its virtue. (Zhuangzi)”
What things are we trying to make into something else and not use in its proper way? Are you the useless tree or the useless goose? If you think you are useful, the higher question is useful to whom, or to what?
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Unraveling the mysterious and misunderstood concept of P’u
Many people who study or casually read about Taoism will at some point come across several principles and concepts which are considered important to the Taoist system.
Some of the more popular principles are: Wu-wei, Tao and Te, Lao Tzu’s three treasures, and P’u, to name just a few. As mentioned in prior articles, more often than not these concepts are presented to the world by people who lack a full understanding of the Taoist philosophy and the many meanings of the Chinese characters, especially ancient Taoist characters. This is one of the reasons that direct literal translations of ancient Chinese texts will not reveal the true or even partial meaning and message. As a result, many of the well known principles of Taoism are misunderstood, even by practitioners, perhaps especially by practitioners.
This article will explore the concept of P’u (朴, simplified Chinese and 樸, traditional Chinese). P’u lends itself as a great example of why a complete understanding of Taoism is important when, not only translating texts, but even more important when discussing and teaching the varied disciplines of Taoism.
P’u is often translated as the “uncarved block”, and has appeared in many variations in its own right. Many people have discussed the concept of the uncarved block in great length and breadth, especially in Academia, where there is no shortage for exhaustive discussions of misunderstood information. Most people will tell you that the uncarved block means to leave things in their natural state, or for people to return to their natural state. People will poetically describe how children are born as uncarved blocks and that P’u is the eastern concept of Tabula Rasa (blank slate) or vice versa.
They are correct that P’u is one of the highest principles of Taoism and that it is referring to a state that everything had, should have and can return to. The problem arises with the translation of P’u as the “uncarved block”. The intention of the translators is to convey a state of naturalness-simplicity, honesty-plainness etc…, a state of being that exists before any form of unnaturalness is applied or learned. The principle applies to all existence and not just the domain of humans.
And therein lies the problem. If the intention is to convey a state of naturalness, then clearly an uncarved block cannot be the appropriate visual aid, as even an uncarved block came from somewhere and by its very nature is not in its natural state!
If we examine the characters for P’u more closely we will see that they represent not an uncarved block, rather an untouched forest or more precisely…many uncut trees in the forest. Imagine a forest that exists without any alteration and without any influence other than nature. Clearly, the uncarved block is already a piece of wood cut from a tree that is no longer in its natural state, and thereby unqualified to represent P’u.
With this understanding people can now properly analyze scenarios, life questions and existence itself through the visual aid of the untouched trees in the forest. Try to imagine a state of being before learning the many cultural aspects that we consider the meaning of life and living, before we were altered, shaped and molded into everything but our natural state. What would humans and humanity look like if things were left in their natural state, what would governments look like if politicians left things alone, what would the world be like if we did less, spoke less and simply were P’u, etc…?
P’u is the principle of achieving that state of naturalness that exists before one is defiled or altered from their original nature, it is a state that can be achieved and restored.
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Nine things that will lead any student to failure
In a prior article we listed 9 faults or traits masters and teachers of any subject or system must avoid in order to be successful and to help ensure the success of their students. This article is going to shift the focus onto the students and the top 10 faults that leads to their demise or failure. This list is applicable regardless of the quality of the teacher, and of course becomes even more important as the quality of the teacher/teaching increases.
It would be a good practice to review this list throughout ones training and endeavors and use the list as a daily “check yourself” check list. If you encounter trouble or begin to struggle and you notice that you are exhibiting one of these faults, then the conscientious student would be wise to immediately stop, reflect and let go of the fault.
- Many traditions talk of the necessity for faith and the trouble that arises from faithlessness. This is indeed very important, and a word of caution as well, do not act on blind faith. True faith comes from acting on ones accumulated knowledge and wisdom as well as the accumulated knowledge and wisdom of those who have come before, those that helped lay the path or Way per say. Blind faith is actually a form of ignorance and usually leads one to oppression and tyranny. So have true faith and avoid blind faith either from your own ego or the teachers.
- Avoid being immature with yourself and others. Traditionally a master or teacher would take on a role similar to a parent, and sometimes depending on the situation people would be even closer to their teacher than their own parents. You must avoid, however, placing your progress and growth at the feet of the teacher and expect them to do the work for you. In any endeavor your success or failure is ultimately yours and yours alone; others naturally assist but ultimately your life is up to you to live!
- Water is the most powerful and purifying element on the planet, this is true only because water moves so slowly, it is not ambitious but also not lazy. When water meets a solid object in its path it will either go around the obstacle or gently and repeatedly come in contact with the object until it wears it down and wears it away. Notice the Grand Canyon, the water and ice were far more powerful than all the earth in its path. What is most feared in a hurricane is not the wind or rain, rather the storm surge, think tidal waves etc… Laziness should have no place in the body, mind or spirit of any true student.
- As someone develops themselves they will naturally and spontaneously begin to experience different levels of awareness, consciousness, intelligence, wisdom and enhanced physical capabilities as well. It is important to practice humility and and being humble as to avoid inflating the ego and make the mistake of developing the traits of a bully. Many people learn a new skill, technique, system etc… and their first thought is to go- speak, show, tell, demonstrate etc… If you begin to develop a skill, keep it to yourself and continue to cultivate it. Let things develop slowly and naturally and avoid feeling that you are somehow better than other people. There is an old saying in martial arts: “the most dangerous martial artist is a white belt or beginner, because they learn a few skills but lack the wisdom to know not to use it.” How many doctors fail as students because they only recommend a healing method they are trained in; surgeons recommending surgery etc… and telling their patients this is the only way, is this not a form of bullying.
- One must keep their mind and energy focused on the true goals of cultivation which is benefiting the body-mind-spirit. One of the greatest obstacles on any path is the allure of materialism. Now, let us clarify one thing, in order to live we all need some things, whether it be food, or clothing, shelter etc… Materialism comes into play when the items become the object and purpose of a goal rather than a natural consequence or benefit. What could you possibly achieve in life if your energy, time, health, money etc… is being used in the pursuit of materialistic items? We have all heard the quote regarding “a fool and his money being soon parted.” The great sage and Emperor Huang Di (Yello Emperor) stated in his Medical Classic that when a person becomes sick or diseased it will cost him two things: time and money. If one is not willing to sacrifice both how could he possibly expect to heal? The flip side of the coin or sword is that the pursuit of time and money and the resulting stress of those pursuits is often the root cause of many of our modern illnesses and diseases.
- It is not uncommon for people to become overzealous and even obsessive when they devote time and energy to pursuing a goal. As much as possible, however, this must be avoided. Being obsessive is a form of blind faith as it does not allow the proper time for discernment and reflection. It can also trap a person and lock them into a compartmentalized version of their training, a self imposed prison – if you will. For example, if a student begins to develop a particular skill or ability and begins to fixate on that ability as the object of their training then all other possibilities will be neglected or removed.
- Hollywood, television, fiction and science fiction novels have influenced and tainted the views of many people. More often than not, a persons outlook or viewpoint is not original but a manufactured response to a particular form of advertising or other suggestive process. A student must be very careful they do not carry these forms of fantasy into their practice or endeavor. As much as possible remain as close to the blank slate or the forest in its natural state principles.
- Failure to practice and failure to properly learn and memorize are all rooted in the same problem. A student must take the time to sincerely and consistently practice, of course this becomes all the more difficult if the above faults are allowed to occur. Also, do not use the excuse of having a poor memory, as sincerity and consistency will make any memory more powerful.
- Being immoral has ruined more people and stopped more goals than perhaps all of the other faults combined. Morals does not begin when one makes it, we do not become good people at the top, or when the goal is reached, we must be good people at the beginning, throughout the process and even after completion. Ones moral compass should always point true. Everything in this Universe has set principles, set laws, one could say set morals, humans are no different. Imagine the chaos, if one of the planets disobeyed the laws of the Universe and decided to change their orbit, what if the moon decided it no longer wanted to reflect the Suns light, or if the north pole suddenly decided it would rather be south. Let your morals be as concrete and solid as the Universal Laws around us.
Note: this is a modified version of a list from the book Scholar Warrior by Deng Ming-Dao.
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Movie review: Confucius starring Chow Yun-Fat
This is a portrayal of an often misunderstood Taoist Sage and Scholar: Kong Fu-tzu or Confucius. The movie is just over two hours in length, however, you will be so drawn into the scenery and storyline that you will be surprised when the movie is over. The movie is available on Netflix and Amazon.com.
The viewer should have at least some background knowledge regarding the life and teachings of Confucius in order to appreciate the often subtle yet important moments of the film. For instance, the meeting between Confucius and Lao Tzu, where Confucius addresses Lao Tzu as his Master and Teacher. Many people, especially in the West, portray Confucius and Lao Tzu as opposites and claim that the teachings of the two masters were at odds with each other. It is well known, however, that Confucius was a Taoist Scholar and Sage and spent most of his life studying the I-Ching (Classic of Change) and adding the very same commentaries/elucidations that are still used to this day. This will be discussed further in another article.
There are several great moments in this film; in the beginning of the film a child slave escaped being put to death and sealed in the tombs with all the other servants of the recently deceased leader. While running away from the guards, he is discovered by one of Confucius’ top students who protects him and allows him to hide in the school/academy. During a meeting of the ministers and advisors, Confucius uses the meeting as a teaching moment for the government. The Prime Minister was discussing whether or not a sacrificial bird should be permitted to live since its feathers were not perfect, or should they condemn the bird to death to fulfill the sacrifice. The ministers all agree they should spare the bird’s life and release it in the forest so it can have a long and happy life. At this moment Confucius motions for the child slave to come forward and the Prime Minister and General both recognize the child and immediately question Confucius as to why he is hiding the child and then begin to list all of the reasons why the child should die.
Confucius uses the example of the recently released bird as a reason why the boy should live; sometimes breaking an old custom is the best option or else we are trapped by those customs. Surely, the life of a child is worth more than the bird, how can you have the compassion to let the bird live and not the child? As the ministers begin to agree the general steps up and claims that the child should die, because it was the leaders wishes that all those whom he loved the most should die with him, and this slave was his favorite, therefore he must die. Confucius looks directly into the generals eyes and states: ‘were you not very loved by him, and did you not live with and work him most of your life, in fact were you not his favorite and most loved General?’ His response, ‘of course I was’, at which time, Confucius stated: ‘then you will have to die as well to fulfill his wishes’. Of course, the general admits defeat and returns to his seat, the Prime Minister then announces the boy can live.
This was one of many examples in the movie, where Confucius using Taoist principles from the I-Ching and other Taoist classics was able to defeat an opponent and cause a situation to have an auspicious outcome without using force. One could say it was his intellect, others his keen wit, but in reality it was the principles on which he stood firm, that made this possible. Think of the story regarding Jesus and the Pharisees when they challenged his understanding of the Law of Moses regarding Adultery….Jesus’ famous response was: ‘let he who among you that is without sin, throw the first stone’.
It was a pleasure to see a movie take an honest (although not complete) look at one of the world’s greatest Philosophers, Sages and Scholars. Perhaps, this will open more discussions and debate into the real Kong Fu-tzu and his Taoist teachings and understanding of the Tao of Man.
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