18th annual National Qigong Association conference

This weekend (July 26-28, 2013) the National Qigong Association is having its 18th annual conference at the Double Tree by Hilton in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. The conference offers members a chance to network and learn from one another, as well as creating a space for members and non members alike to have the opportunity to learn from a list of distinguished practitioners and/or NQA recognized experts in their respective fields.
According to the NQA’s official event flyer, this event will feature: “Three days of workshops, lectures, seminars, and demonstrations, presented by over 20 leaders in the fields of Qigong, Taijiquan, and the Energetic Arts; Network with friends in the Qigong community, distinctive vendors and products and a silent auction…”
Below is a breakdown of the lectures and sessions:
Friday, July 26th
- Efficacy of Qigong Practice as a Treatment for Vertigo: Maryann DiEdwardo
- Three Rivers/12 Steps: Qigong for Recovery: Mark R. Reinhart
- Marriage of Daoist Internal Alchemy and Qigong: Michael Winn
- From Stress – Surge With Way of Joy: Spiritual Fitness: Vicki Dello Joio
- How to build a Rewarding Qigong Healthcare Practice: C.J. Rhoads
- Quick & Easy Qigong: Richard Askwith
- Expanding Your Heart’s Energy by Embracing Qigong: Kai Kusinow
- Benefits of Integrated Internal Exercises: Khalid Shakoor
- Bridging the Gap: Presenting Qigong to Western Medical Integrative Business Professionals: Chris Bouguyon
- Keynote: Awakening Love Through Qigong… the Path to a Radiant Life: Daisy Lee
Saturday, July 27th
- Qi Mind, Qi Body – Cultivate & Focus Your Vital Energy: Shoshanna Katzman
- Qigong as a Journey of Self-Acceptance: Eric Imbody
- Qigong to Build the Three Treasures: Gayl Hubatch
- Great Spiraling Dragon Qigong: Solala Towler
- Harmonizing Yin/Yang in Men/Women: Daisy Lee
- Chinese Brush Painting: Maryann Charmoz
- New Creation Tai Chi – Qigong: Anna York
- Yin Yang Medical Qigong: Jianye Jiang
- Intimacy and Energy: Greg St. Clair
- The 12 Joinings with Life: Michael McComiskey
- Keynote: A Union of Qigong, Philosophy and the Dao: Damo Mitchell
Sunday, July 28th
- Taiji 5 Element Self-Recovery Meditation: Paul Martin
- Dancing Bamboo Fan: Mary Sturtevant
- Chi Kids: Cari Shurman
- How to Adapt/Lead Classical Ba Duan Jin: Gary Paruszkiewicz
- Awakening the Lower Dan Tien, Gateway to Nei Gong: Damo Mitchell
The National Taoism Examiner is not endorsing any of the above listed presenters or topics and is only reporting the events as listed on the NQA official event flyer and website.
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NutraSweet: introduces a new poison to the world

The last few articles the National Taoism Examiner (NTE) has focused on Monsanto’s dangerous assault on the world’s food supply by forcing Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) and GM food onto most of the world’s dinner tables. In one form or another, unless you purchase and eat only organic food, you are probably consuming GM food. Even if you are very strict with food purchases there is still a very good chance that your clothing, furniture, toiletries etc… are made with GMO.
This realization has led to mass protests around the world from informed and concerned citizens, and has caused several countries to ban GM seeds and food, even Bhutan has declared that it’s agriculture is close to being 100% organic.
You would think that with mounting protests and pressure from consumers that Monsanto and other companies actively involved in the GMO movement would begin to listen to the concerns, and perhaps even modify their activities. Well, a major company and benefactor of GMO did come out recently with an announcement for the world:
“NutraSweet, a formerly Monsanto owned company, has developed a new version of Aspartame, called Neotame. It’s 3,000 times sweeter than table sugar and about 30 times sweeter than Aspartame…Neotame is used to sweeten commercially-processed foods, but it is not required to be listed on package labels of non-certified organic foods. (Natural Awakenings Magazine, July 2013)”
That’s right folks, the same company that brought you the chemical sweetener which has been linked to such wonderful things as: brain cancer, brain tumors, brain lesions, memory loss, nerve cancer and others (search the internet for Aspartame dangers), has not only created a new chemical that is 30x’s stronger but is also already in use!
So you see, these companies are listening to your concerns and they are responding as well…with even more potent and dangerous chemicals. Keep in mind that Aspartame is now in over 6,000 products both diet and “regular”. The next time you drink soda, eat those cookies, chew gum or eat and drink almost any food that is not organic, then chances are you are consuming Aspartame, or now Neotame, and there is nothing TAME about it! It is time for consumers to become educated/informed regarding their food and to start choosing better options. It is clear with this recent announcement that companies like NutraSweet do not care about the harm their products may cause.
You can no longer blindly accept that the mega food companies have your best interest in mind, in fact, it appears the opposite assumption is more accurate, that they are actively creating ingredients that will harm us!
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International Chinese martial arts championship finals in Orlando, FL

The “International Chinese Martial Arts Championship” is a worldwide circuit promoting friendship through the martial arts.
According to their website (www.kungfuchampionship.com) they “… are not a formal federation or association but simply an organization that transcends political boundaries. Everyone can participate and we require no membership fees. We are devoted to the development and promotion of Chinese martial arts through friendly high-level competition.”
Tournaments are held in the following North American cities/states:
- Houston, TX
- St. Louis, MO
- Pittsburgh, PA
- Dallas, TX
- Seattle, WA
- Charlotte, NC
- Denver, CO
- Boston, MA
- Orlando, FL
- Las Vegas, NV
- Chicago, IL
- San Francisco, CA
- Tulsa, OK
- Washington, DC
- Orlando, FL/Disney®
As well as the following countries worldwide:
- Canada (Vancouver BC)
- Brazil (Sao Paulo)
- Norway (Oslo)
- Asia (TBA)
- Africa (TBA)
According to Nick Scrima of ICMAC: “The ICMAC Finals were held at the Dolphin Resort on November 3, 2012, as part of the Disney IMAF – International Martial Arts Festival. We had spirited competition for kids, juniors, teens and adults in Traditional Northern and Southern Styles, Contemporary Wushu, Tai Chi, Push Hands, and Continuous Sparring. There were outstanding performances all around, with special excitement and close competition in the traditional advanced weapons divisions.”
Participants traveled from across the country including: Florida as well as Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Minnesota, Texas, and Illinois.
The ICMAC also is planning another major event and competition in the Orlando, FL/Disney area for July 12-14, 2013. The event will feature: the world championships, an Asian festival, lectures, seminars as well as a business summit.
Look out for future articles and updates regarding this event as well as an exclusive interview with Nick Scrima of the International Chinese Martial Arts Championship.
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Will Mexico join the movement against GMO food?

Mexico has over 59 different indigenous strains of corn, and corn is a key ingredient in many dishes; from soup, tamales, bread, and the well known tacos and tortillas. Corn is so important to the Mexican diet that an ancient Mayan text states that “man and corn are…inextricably linked –giving rise to the saying that Mexicans are ‘people of corn’. (Lauren Villagran, Christan Science Monitor)”
Currently Mexico allows GM (Genetically Modified) corn cultivation in a few northern states, however, Monsanto and other companies are attempting to get permits to expand their business to other Mexican states.
This has led Greenpeace and other organizations like UNORCA (National Union of Autonomous Regional Peasant Organizations) to launch protests throughout Mexico in an attempt to persuade the Mexican government to resist the Monsanto led—GMO invasion.
Many documentaries have been made showing the devastating effects GM corn is having on the Mexican population in general, and the native Mexicans in particular. Many suicides have occurred when people who have farmed corn for generations (some families for hundreds of years if not longer) realized that GM corn destroys the native heirloom seeds and crops. Two other major problems have occurred with Monsanto’s GM corn in Mexico:
- The farmers are forced to purchase seeds from Monsanto each season since the GMO/Monsanto patent laws/rules state that Monsanto owns all crops grown from GMO seeds.
- They are forced with the threat of prosecution, not to store or use heirloom seeds and not to replant GMO seeds either.
Since Monsanto claims to own all crops grown from GMO seeds and the farmers are not allowed to use heirloom seeds the farmers thus become GMO seed dependent and defacto indentured servants or GMO slaves.
If you think this story is unfortunate but does not affect you unless you live in Mexico, consider the reality of the situation that these GMO companies are multinational mega-corporations whose intended goal is for the entire worlds food supply to eventually be derived from GMO seeds and crops. Many organizations estimate that up to 85% of all corn in the USA is already GMO corn. Recent tests in many universities and health organizations have shown solid links between GM corn (as well as other GMO foods) and cancer including tumors in rats and mice.
“Mexico is the world’s only hope,” says Mr. Turrent Fernandez. “If a few years from now the world wants to revert to original strains, the only way to return is for native Mexican corn not to be contaminated. (Lauren Villagran, Christan Science Monitor)”
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Peru takes a major step in the GMO battle

People around the world are beginning to awaken to the reality that the biodiversity of native and natural foods are under increasing assault from “genetically modified organisms” (GMO). Many countries have seen anti GMO protests and calls for GMO labeling laws; others have seen an increase in organic food production and outright bans on GMO food production and importation.
It is well known that the most GMO “friendly” country in the world is the USA, in fact, the USA is both one of the worlds largest importers and exporters of GM seeds and GM food. Many of the “Food Aid” programs the US government offers other countries are contingent upon the recipient country “accepting” GM food in particular GM grains. If the country does not want or accept the GM food then they are often refused the “Aid”.
It was with great pleasure that the National Taoism Examiner (NTE), recently learned that Peru has officially banned GM food; importation and domestic use.
“Peru’s executive has approved the regulations for the law that prohibits the importation, production and use of GMO foods in the country. Violating the law can result in a maximum fine of 10,000 UIT tax units, which is about 36.5 million soles ($14 million). The goods can also be seized and destroyed, according to the norms. The law, which was approved by President Ollanta Humala … is aimed at preserving Peru’s biodiversity and supporting local farmers, Environment Minister Manuel Pulgar Vidal said. (Andean Air Mail & Peruvian Times)”
The transition will not be easy nor without its challenges, however, as some estimate that as much as 70% of the food on supermarket shelves contain GM ingredients. Peru does require GMO labeling, which will give the consumer a choice and a sense of moral purchasing power.
There is much at stake for the nations of the world and hopefully other nations will follow the excellent example being led and demonstrated by Peru with regards to banning or at the very least greatly restricting GMO production and use.
“Besides protecting an increasing export industry of organic and native products, the ban protects Peru’s exceptionally varied native plant species —the import and use of GM seeds for corn, for example, would eventually destroy the different and multicolored species grown in the Andean region. (Andean Air Mail & Peruvian Times)”
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Walt Disney World’s English tea garden and tour at Epcot
For many, one of the best features of Walt Disney World’s Epcot theme park is the World Showcase consisting of 11 countries (Mexico, Norway, China, Germany, Italy, the United States, Japan, Morocco, France, United Kingdom and Canada). Here, people of all ages can walk around the globe exploring different countries and cultures as well as sampling food and beverages that many otherwise would not have the opportunity to do so.
Approximately every March 6th –May 19th, Epcot is transformed into the Flower and Garden Festival sponsored by HGTV. The festival features unique Disney themed topiaries as well as cooking and gardening workshops & classes, book signings and unique “garden to table” food stalls for each country.
Some countries also offer a special class or tour to further enhance a unique aspect of their culture and customs. England (or the United Kingdom), always has the Twinings Tea House, however, during the Flower and Garden Festival the English garden is transformed into an English Tea Garden complete with a tour guide trained by Twinings of London.
The tour is conducted outside the tea house, in the English garden which is located around a traditional English cottage complete with a thatched roof.
The tour features approx. ten of the most popular varieties of Twinings tea blends; the plants and “herbs” used in the blends are planted so one can see them in their “natural state”. The tour guides do a fairly good job describing the tea and herbal infusions, and even acknowledge the fact that they owe a tremendous gratitude to China for introducing tea to the English.
Briefly, Twinings of London has been around since 1706 and was founded by Thomas Twining, the original store in London was once a coffee shop, which was the drink of choice prior to the introduction of tea. After approx. 40 years, tea became the drink of choice within England and became one of the primary exports to the American colonies. Twinings now offers more than 300 varieties of tea blends and herbal infusions.
All true tea comes from the same plant, Camellia Sinensis; whether you are drinking green tea, oolong tea, black tea (red tea in China) or white tea, they are all harvested from the same plant. All other “teas”, Camomile for example, are herbal infusions and technically not tea, even though most, especially in the west, still refer to them as such. According to the guide, Twinings tea “masters” must undergo a rigorous course of study for five years, before they are able to work on tea blends and herbal infusions.
The tour concludes, after approx. 30-40 minutes, with a sample pack of assorted Twinings tea and a sample of tea inside the tea house, either hot or cold depending on the weather and season. You are also informed that you can visit the Twinings store in London and arrange tours there as well.
Enjoy the list which features the 10 blends of the tour!
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Twinings spiced apple chai
Twinings Spiced Apple Chai
- Black tea infused with apple flavors and Indian spices, instantly transports you around the world.
- Cinnamon is harvested from the inner bark of this tropical tree.
- Ginger is ground from the aromatic roots of the ginger plant.
- Cardamon is ground from uniquely aromatic seed pods.
- Cloves are dried flower buds that turn bright crimson red when ripe
(from the Twinings informational display card)

Twinings China oolong
Twinings China Oolong tea
- Oolong teas are Camellia sinensis, typically grown in China’s Fujian Province.
- First produced over 400 years ago at Mount Wu Yi Shan near the end of the Ming Dynasty.
- Created by gently shaking, which partially oxidizes the leaves.
- Notable reddish appearance and slightly sweet flavor.
(from the Twinings informational display card)

Twinings camomile, honey & vanilla
Twinings camomile, honey & vanilla
- Camomile is naturally caffeine-free and the base of this herbal blend.
- Camomile flowers have a strong, aromatic fragrance and bloom in early to mid summer.
- Twinings selects just the yellow part of the flower to capture the purest taste of Camomile.
- Vanilla is the aromatic seed pod of a vining orchid that grows in the tropics.
(from the Twinings informational display card)

Twinings honeybush, mandarin & orange
Twinings honeybush, mandarin & orange
- African Honeybush contains no caffeine and is a natural source of anti-oxidants.
- Grown for centuries as a soothing beverage in South Africa, honeybush flowers are light yellow and smell like honey.
- Mandarin and Orange have distinct flavors which blend perfectly in this new herbal tea.
(from the Twinings informational display card)

Twinings pumpkin spice chai
Twinings pumpkin spice chai
- Black tea perfectly blended with pumpkin flavors and savory spices of cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg and allspice.
- Nutmeg is ground from a seed, while allspice is a dried unripe berry.
- Seasonal favorite may be enjoyed with milk.
(from the Twinings informational display card)

Twinings jasmine green tea
Twinings jasmine green tea
- Green tea is known for smooth flavor and refreshing taste.
- Made from Camellia sinensis leaves, same as black tea, but quickly preserved.
- Blended with hints of fresh Jasmine flowers.
- Green, black, oolong and white teas are natural sources of antioxidants.
(from the Twinings informational display card)

Twinings earl grey
Twinings earl grey
- Originally developed by Twinings as a black tea base scented with Bergamot.
- Bergamot is a small pear-shaped citrus fruit from the Mediterranean.
- Flowers of the evergreen bergamont tree blossom during the spring.
- The second Earl Grey, was presented with this exquisite recipe by an envoy on his return from China.
(from the Twinings informational display card)

Twinings English breakfast tea
Twinings English breakfast tea
- Traditional blend of Kenyan and Assam black teas.
- Rich and robust taste make it one of the most popular Twinings varieties.
- Only the top two leaves and bud of the tea plant are used.
- Cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions of the world.
(from the Twinings informational display card)

Twinings lemon & ginger
Twinings lemon & ginger
- Herbal tea made from lemons, lemongrass, blackberry leaves and Chinese ginger.
- Lemons are widely grown in Indian and China for their juice.
- Lemongrass and Blackberry leaves contain no caffeine.
- Chinese ginger has been used for over 2,500 years to create invigorating teas.
(from the Twinings informational display card)

Twinings mixed berry
Twinings mixed berry
- Black tea with luscious flavors of strawberry, cherry, raspberry and redcurrant.
- Strawberries, raspberries, cherries and redcurrants add a fresh, fruity aroma and a slightly sweet taste.
(from the Twinings informational display card)

Twinings flower tea pot
One of the many unique displays featured in the English tea garden. In addition to this beautiful flower tea pot, there was also a yellow and white version as well. Definitely a crowd favorite.

Epcots English tea garden
One view of the beautiful English tea garden, near the side entrance. Looking out from the side of the traditional tea cottage and towards the main entrance of the garden.
Kingdom of Bhutan aiming to become 100 percent organic

The small landlocked nation, famed as the happiest country in the world, wedged between China (to the north) and India (to the south), with a population of over 700,000; is on the verge of becoming the first nation in the world to have its agriculture be 100% organic.
The government has set a goal to phase out all artificial chemicals from farming within 10 years.
“Jurmi Dorji, a member of the 103-strong Daga Shingdrey Pshogpa farmers’ association in southern Bhutan, says his fellow members are in favour of the policy. More than a decade ago, people realized that the chemicals were not good for farming,” […] “I cannot say everyone has stopped using chemicals but almost 90 percent have. (Yahoo News Singapore)”
This is great news not only for the people of Bhutan but also the world over as a report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science demonstrated that after analyzing “74 studies on soils under organic…farming practices, has found that over time, the carbon content in the organic fields significantly increased. For farmers everywhere, that means organic agriculture results in a richer, more productive soil… (Natural Awakenings Magazine)”
Bhutan exports several agricultural commodities to various nations: rare mushrooms to Japan, vegetables to upscale hotels in Thailand, red rice to the United States and apples to several countries including India.
If Bhutan is able to achieve a 100% organic standard for all food they produce, then they will set a very high standard for the world to follow and will let the world know that their country is taking the quality of their food and the preservation of agricultural biodiversity very seriously, not to mention the ability to gain market advantages and price premiums for their exports.
The world should applaud Bhutan for this effort and encourage their own governments to pursue similar goals.
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Four principles of World Tai Chi and Qigong Day

“World Tai Chi and Qigong Day (WTCQD), also spelled World T’ai Chi and Ch’i Kung Day, is an annual event held the last Saturday of April each year to promote the related disciplines of T’ai chi ch’uan and Qigong in sixty countries since 1999.
The annual April event is open to the general public, and begins in the earliest time zones of New Zealand at 10 am, and then participants across Oceania, Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, and South America take part, with celebrations in sixty nations and several hundred cities, ending with the final events in the last time zones of Hawaii almost an entire day later. Celebrations include mass t’ai chi ch’uan and qigong exhibitions in many cities, and free classes in most participating cities. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Tai_Chi_&_Qigong_Day)”
World Tai Chi and Qigong Day’s stated goals are to (http://worldtaichiday.org/ABOUTwtcqd.html):
- To educate the world of the profound health & healing benefits of Tai Chi & Qigong for individuals, communities, and nations
- To thank Chinese culture for creating and sharing these profoundly valuable gifts with the world
- To bring together people across racial, economic, religious, and geo-political boundaries, to join together for the purpose of health and healing, providing an example to the world.
- To give a powerful example of how the power of the internet can be used to foster global health & healing.
One suggestion would be to add a fifth goal to include thanking and acknowledging the Taoists and Taoism; if not for their tireless research and cultivation the world would have neither Tai Chi or Qigong, since both are rooted in the Tao of Revitalization. Huang Di and Lao Tzu (as well as other Sages and Classics) both mentioned the importance of the Tao of Revitalization. Huang Di’s (Yellow Emperor) original name for the exercises was Yang Sheng Shu which translates as Tao of Revitalization or
“the achievement of a happy, healthy, and long life through the utilization of a single or a group of mental and physical movements to prevent and correct all ailments, reverse the aging process and improve all functions of the body. (Dr. Stephen T. Chang, The Great Tao p. 56)”
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Do you have a story, photo or video from your area that would be of interest to Taoists? Feel free to email (TJ@theQiInstitute.com) and they may be included or featured in a National Taoism Examiner article.
2013 World Tai Chi & Qigong Day events

Tens of thousands of people, most likely many more, in more than 70 countries will participate in World Tai Chi and Qigong Day activities on Sat. April 27, 2013.
The annual event began in 1999 in order to introduce Tai Chi and Qigong as well as promote the many health benefits to people who are unfamiliar with the systems, as well as become an annual meeting for like minded practitioners.
The following list are events hosted by members of the National Qigong Association, visit the official World Tai Chi and Qigong site for a list of events around the world.
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Celebration
Saturday April 27, 2013
9:30AM (see event listing)
Special Guest: Mark Johnson
Cloverdale City Park
(Go to the West end of 2nd Street)
Cloverdale, CA 95425
Contact/Host: Janet Seaforth
World Tai Chi Qigong Day Celebration
Saturday April 27, 2013
Balboa Park, 6th & Upas St. San Diego, CA
Contact: Chris Enders
Mayfair Park World Tai Chi & Qigong Celebration
Saturday April 27, 2013
11:00 – 12:30 PM (MDT)
Southeast corner of Mayfair Park
(at the intersection of 10th and Jersey Sts.)
Contact/Host: Eric Imbody
If the weather is poor the event will be held across the street at Dancing The Soul studio,
950-C Jersey Street
World Tai Chi Qigong Day Celebration
Saturday April, 27, 2013
10:00AM – 11:00AM
Madison Senior Center
29 Bradley Road Madison, CT 06443
Contact: Suzanne Hanley
World Tai Chi Qigong Day
Saturday April 27, 2013
10:00AM – 3:00PM
Town Green – Colchester, CT
Contact: George Hoffman
Milford World Tai Chi Qigong Day Celebration
Saturday April 27, 2013
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Milford Town Green,
Broad Street, Milford, CT 06460
Contact: Lamont Thomas
World Tai Chi &Qigong Day
Saturday April, 27, 2013
9:45AM —
Ingalls Park
East of I95 and South of Hallandale Beach Blvd.
Hallandale FL,33009 South West 8th Ave.
Contact/Host: Raven Cohan
14th Annual World Tai Chi Qigong Day
“Global Wave of Healing Energy”
Saturday April 27, 2013
9:00 AM – Until??
KVPD’s “Bird Park” 893 W. Station St.
Kankakee, Illinois 60901
Contact/Host: Gary Paruszkiewicz
Ashland Area World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Event
Saturday April 27, 2013
Central Park at 17th St. and Lexington Ave.
Ashland, KY
Contact/Host: Nancy Compton
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day – Worcester
Saturday April 27, 2013 10:00AM – 12:00PM
Elm Park, Worcester, Massachusetts
Contact/Host: Gary Lachapelle
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day – Las Vegas
Saturday April 27, 2013
Event starts at 9:00AM
Delmar Gardens of Green Valley
100 Delmar Gardens Dr., Henderson, NV
(near Pecos & Wigwam)
Contact/Host: Kat Reyes-Campbell
World Tai Chi Qigong Day – Practice in the Park
Saturday April 27, 2013
10:00 AM
Verona Park, Verona, NJ
Contact/Host: Mir-Yam School of Tai Chi Qigong
and Meditation
Miriam: 973.857.9536
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day – Patchogue
Saturday April 27, 2013
9:00AM – 12:0PM
(Rain Date – Saturday May 4, 2013 9:00AM – 12:00 PM
Shorefront Park – Ryder Ave. & Smith St. Patchogue Long Island NY
Contact/Host: Laurince McElroy
2013 World Tai Chi Qigong Day
Saturday April 27, 2013
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Southern Saratoga YMCA
Clifton Park, New York 12065
Sal Casano
518-371-2139 (YMCA)
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Event
Saturday April 27, 2013
10:30AM – 12:00PM
Howard Long Wellness Center Gymnasium800 Medical Park, Wheeling, WV 26003
Contact/Host: Steve Perdok Sr.
T’ai Chi and Qigong: Sunset Health Arts FB.
Just off Interstate 70 Washington Ave. Exit
Minutes from Bridgeport, Ohio
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Celebration
Saturday April 27, 2013
12:00 Noon
Ambler Borough Park
Located at the intersection of Hendricks St and Valley Brook Road
Ambler, PA
Contact/Host: Karen Steinbrecher
World Tai Chi Qigong Day Celebration
Saturday April 27, 2013
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Sun Style Taiji Workshops:
Intro to 31 Form
10:45 AM – 11:30 AM
73 Form Study
12:00 – 1:00PM
Health By Design Natural Clinic
12 Keystone Court
Leola, Pennsylvania 17540
Jeannie Peck
Health By Design Natural Clinic on Facebook
World Tai Chi Qigong Day
Saturday April 27, 2013
9:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Northrup Park Pavilion
37550 IH-10 Boerne, Texas
Contact/Host: Joellen Kaczorowski
World Tai Chi Qigong Day
Join the Qi – Flow Around the World
Saturday April 27, 2013
Serene Harvest –
Art of Qigong, Meditation & Yoga.
2401 Canyon Creek Sherman, Texas 75092
Contact/Host: Maria Silen
Space is limited! Register early for this FREE event.
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day 2013
Saturday April 27, 2013
9:45AM – 12:00PM
Forest Hill Park
4021 Forest Hill Ave.
Richmond, VA
Joy Black
Mary Vilcheck
World Tai Chi Qigong Day
Saturday April 27, 2013
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Meadowlark Botanical Gardens
Vienna, Virginia
Contact/Host: The Peaceable Dragon Internal Arts Consortium
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Pearl River: New York City’s best kept secret (Photos)

For over 30 years a trip to New York City would not be complete without visiting Pearl River Mart in SoHo (477 Broadway, NYC, between Broome St. & Grand St., 800-878-2446). According to their brochure, Pearl River is:
“New York’s most celebrated Chinese-American department store….Pearl River features a staggering assortment of traditional products from across Asia including Chinese fashion…, Japanese ceramics, Chinese cookware, ornamental lighting … and much, much more. With over 30,000 square feet of items flowing across three giant floors, Pearl River invites urban trekkers into the heart of the Far East…[to visit] a New York cultural institution. (Pearl River brochure)”
The store has a large selection of Chinese fashion including: Kung Fu & Tai Chi clothing, ladies dresses, children’s clothes, Kung Fu & Tai Chi shoes, scholars robes, tailored suits, Japanese kimonos, embroidered slippers etc…
They also have a large assortment of tea sets, sake sets, Chinese and Japanese bowls, woks, as well as snacks which come in handy walking NY’s streets. What Pearl River lacks in food (this is not a grocery store or restaurant), they more than make up for in authentic Chinese clothing and merchandise.
The upstairs tea bar serves more than 100 varieties of loose leaf tea from China, Japan and South Asia, which can be purchased by the pot or the pound. There is a lovely seating area where you can sip handpicked tea while watching the shoppers below. They periodically offer tea ceremony demonstrations and are more than willing to answer any questions you may have regarding tea. Keep in mind that the prices may be more than you are use to since the quality of the tea offered at Pearl River is much higher than you would typically find in a grocery store, even in an Asian grocery store.
“Best value for anyone wanting to experience NYC on a budget. (Today Show)”
“New Yorker’s secret of affordable Asian goods now has a SoHo address. (House & Garden Magazine)”
“Pearl River … has long been considered a hidden gem by fashionistas and others in search of everything from affordable silk jackets to hand-painted dinnerware. (Crain’s New York Business)”
For those unable to travel to New York City, or for those who can’t get enough of Pearl River, you can enjoy the store via www.PearlRiver.com which offers many of the items from the store. A tip regarding the website: if you do not see an item listed, then call the store directly rather than assuming they do not carry it.
Also, if you are ordering clothes, the sizes listed are Chinese sizes and usually are one size smaller than many people would usually purchase. The staff provide excellent customer service, even over the phone, with ensuring the proper sizes are ordered, they will even walk you through the method of measuring someone for their shirt or jacket size etc…
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Do you have a story, photo or video from your area that would be of interest to Taoists? Feel free to email (TJ@theQiInstitute.com) and they may be included or featured in a National Taoism Examiner article.
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